Blog 5-Katelyn Stevens-Jaquelin T Robertson

The architect I have been assigned is Jaquelin T. Robertson. To give some background on this man, he is an American architect and urban designer. He graduated from Yale in 1954, was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, and received his  Masters in Architecture from Yale in 1961. The first building I want to discuss of his is the Sony Pictures Imagine Works Headquarters. This building is located in Culver City, California and was founded in 1996. This building served as the headquarters for Sony until their recent move to Vancouver in 2014. This building is 165,000 square feet and is modeled to resemble the Art Deco style of the previous Sony Headquarters. Some of the notable features of this buildings design include; four pavilions for executive offices, small courtyards between pavilions for more casual meetings, and long garden located in the center of this campus building. Another key element is that Robertson and his associates designed all the parking in the building to be in a three story covered parking garage in order to limit visibility of cars so that it did not distract from the inviting nature of the building. Lastly, another unique feature of this building was the additional “bungalow” style offices that frame and add dimension to the main entrance of the building.

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