Blog 4 Sarkeys Energy Center Creed Harland

The Sarkeys Energy Center has been my most memorable experience with architecture while I have been a student at OU. I have only had two classes at Sarkeys but I remember them both thoroughly. On top of it being one of the tallest buildings at OU, it has the most confusing underground structure I have encountered. Each hallway or corridor is lettered off to make the vast number of classrooms and offices easier. Only some hallways seem to end abruptly or continue a different floor from where they leave off. You can walk around the hallways looking for a professor’s office only to find they are on the opposite side of the building and up the next floor. While I do appreciate how open the energy center is and it having one of the best libraries on campus to study your notes, I would not want to visit it daily as it still continues to confuse me to this day. 

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