Blog 4 Justin Ballou – Redeemer Chapel (Sky Ranch Ute Trail)

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The meaning of the Redeemer Chapel is simple, to bring people closer to God. This is an amazing building that is both beautiful on the inside and outside. On the inside, the stained glass portrays images of the miracles Jesus performed as well as a few Old Testament stories. In the picture, you can see the windows show the stunning mountains in the background. The placement of the chapel is also of note. It is separated from the rest of the camp which adds to its special and holy feeling and atmosphere. As you can see, the lights also have cross designs on them. Also, the acoustics of the building are so good as there are no speakers so they need to be good, and thankfully they are :).

Redeemer Chapel means a great deal to me. This past summer, I worked as an Activities Team Leader at this camp, and throughout the summer this was a place where I would go to worship and learn on Sundays. During the week, it would be a place I often went to for rest, peace, encouragement, and to connect with God through His word. Feelings were often very positive while I was in this building. However, several times I was feeling discouraged, doubtful, and just unconfident in myself, but I would always leave feeling hopeful. Lastly, initial impressions were extremely positive. Coming to a camp to serve in a job as fun as activities team with other amazing college students in the stunning Colorado mountains was so exciting. Likewise, starting our journey in the chapel was just perfect.

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