Blog 4 – Joseph Liu – Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

This duomo is a piece of Gothic art and architecture that was meant to showcase the power of Florence. The exterior brick and marble of the building showcased the wealth of the city and I also the usage of the green color really made the building differentiated to all of the other cathedrals we’ve been to. Prior to the introduction of modern materials, this dome was the largest in the world and remains to be the largest brick dome in the world as well. This cathedral was built in the traditional “T” shape, like many other churches, to symbolize the cross. However, the similarities end after that. The interior of the building contains murals that stretch throughout the whole dome. Furthermore, we had the opportunity to take the stairs to spiral up to the top of the dome as well.

This church was designed to let us climb to the very top, measuring at 400 ft tall. The hallways that contained the staircase were made out of concrete/brick and were extremely dark and narrow. Not the ideal place for someone that is claustrophobic. However, the long climb was well worth it when we got to the top and got to see all of Florence. This building really helped me appreciate the size and magnitude of the church as well as its location. This building has also made me appreciate my religion more because it showcases the talent and minds of the art and architecture behind this building as well. This experience made proud to be a member of my religion.

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