Blog 4 – Ashley Rodriguez – The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Last spring break, I went to New York City with my family. We went to all the places that you are “supposed” to visit, and thankfully one of them was Metropolitan Museum of Art. Before this, I had only seen this building in pictures from the Met Gala, so when I saw it in person, I didn’t expect it to be that big. I thought it was two stories max, so when I accumulated 5,000 steps inside, I was surprised. I also had no idea so many famous paintings called this place home. I will say that even though this place is amazing, navigating it was something completely different. I got lost about three times, even with a map. One room led into the next and I wasn’t sure if I was in going in a circle or through a maze.

I was in awe of how many different exhibitions there were, and how each one had enough room for everything. I not only took notice of the exhibits, but the rooms they were in. Like each one was picked simply to compliment the architecture of the building, it helped tell the story of the artifacts.

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