Blog 4 – Arezzo Cathedral

The Arezzo Cathedral (more accurately called the Duomo, to differentiate it from the multiple other churches in Arezzo) is a medieval cathedral that I visited often while studying abroad in Arezzo. The cathedral is a mix of Gothic and Byzantine styles, with a nave that has the general layout of most gothic churches, minus a transept, and a Byzantine chapel connected to the side of the church. The chapel appears to be a later addition, as there are stained glass windows that can be seen from inside the nave, and that currently face directly into the structure of the chapel roof.

I visited the cathedral multiple times, initially just because I liked Gothic buildings, but later because I found it a good place to go to clear one’s head. It’s spacious, dark, quiet, and keeps people from interrupting you. Believe it or not, there were many times in my semester abroad where I was stressed out of my mind; going to the cathedral helped to ease that stress, and I wish there was such a place that was as easily accessed here in Norman.


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