Blog 3: House in Vietnam

This is the house that my grandpa built back in Vietnam whenever he was able to gather enough money from the various gigs that he picked up when he first moved to America. This is one of my favorite places in the world because I remember seeing it for the first time when I visited Vietnam around 2010 for my Uncle’s wedding. It was my first time seeing this building in person and I was like “wow my grandpa built a mansion.” However, it was far from a mansion because it wasn’t as extravagant as a mansion would be. This house was just big for show. You can see how my grandpa implemented a French and Asian architectural style by implementing the large pillars, while also using red ceramic roof tiles. You can see that the windows had metal bars placed behind the glass, which was common for houses in Vietnam to prevent robberies and break-ins. This place brings me joy, not only for myself but for my grandpa because this was the first thing that he was proud to have. It was my home away from home.

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