Blog 3 // Emelie Ramirez // Perot Museum

Photo Credit: Balfour Beatty

The Perot Museum in Dallas, Texas is one of my favorite buildings because of its unique texture. It was designed by Laureate Thom Mayne. I remember being very excited as I’d drive by on I-30 because there was a lot of conversation about how cool it was going to look and that the exhibits were going to be even better. After it was finished being built, our school joined a queue in order to get tickets for a field trip. On the drive there everyone in the bus was buzzing with excitement and once it came into view, everyone collectively gasped because the building looked like it was floating. We later came to realize it was because the first floor is composed of glass walls but I was still in awe of the garden area before one enters.

Photo Credit: Modlar

A feature that to this day still amazes me is the escalator that gives you an amazing view of Dallas. I think making it enclosed in glass was a great idea and I thought it was even cooler that it appeared as its own entity from the rest of the building. The first time I attended the Perot I remember the escalator being full and that there was about a person on every step. Now of course the hype has gone down and it’s an overall better experience because you can go at your own pace and observe everything in great detail.

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