Blog 2- Ryan Finnegan, The Louvre

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When I was 14 years old my family and I had a vacation to Paris where we stayed for about a week and toured many different things within the city. One of the coolest things that we went to was the Louvre. It’s one of the biggest art museums in the world and is home to many world renown paintings and sculptures that were truly amazing to see. One of the most iconic things there besides all the paintings, like the Moan Lisa for example, is the glass pyramid entrance in the courtyard of the Louvre. It’s one of the coolest pieces of architecture that I have ever seen along with the size of the museum. It would take a whole week to even see everything within the museum because it is so enormous. The Louvre was one of the coolest places I’ve ever got to seen and go into along with many other things that I saw throughout the vacation.

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