Blog 1 – Taipei 101 – Joyce Shau

Taipei 101 tower (archive picture)

I went to Taiwan 10 years ago and I loved everything there. The thing that I found most incredible there was the Taipei 101 skyscraper. The skyscraper has 101 stories to it, and it is said to resemble a bamboo stick. When I first saw this building, I was completely amazed because I have never seen a skyscraper before and looking at it closely was breathtaking. At night, it was able to change colors on the outside of the building and I got take the elevator to the top to see the city from there. It was nice to see how elegantly they had build the skyscraper in order to be so tall and that it won’t collapse so easily. After seeing this building, I wanted to learn more about architecture because I wanted to know how they built the building.


Picture Citation

Hogg, C. (2004, December 31). Asia-Pacific | Taipei 101: A view from the top. Retrieved from

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