Blog 2 – Dale Murray – Favorite Place

When I was in middle school I got very interested in reading and when I finally got bored with the books in the library my mother took me to Barnes & Noble. Of course, I had seen Barnes & Noble before because it was right next to the Toys are Us and you could see through the many windows and just see rows and rows of books and I would think that it was a place for intelligent people. The first time I actually entered the building I was surprised at how huge and open the space was and just packed with all types of books. The store is one completely open space with bookshelves for walls and in the center is a Starbucks where you can get food and drink so it’s like a maze where you can hide in a corner and just grab a snack and read a book in a corner quietly. For my introverted book-loving self this place was nothing short of a paradise and it took 3 hours to pick out my first book for what was supposed to be a 20-minute trip. I would continuously bug my mom to take me back to Barnes & Noble over the years till I could drive and then I would spend hours there just reading.

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