Blog 2 (3)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

April 21, 2020

Blog 2 (3)

            For this blog, I observed the work of the French architect and urbanist known as Christian de Portzamparc. He is well known for many structures and buildings, but for this blog, I will be discussing the One57 Tower, which was also known as Carnegie Tower. This tower is located in New York City, and serves as a hotel and luxury condominium complex. This building is over 1000 ft tall and consist of 75 stories. With that in mind, it is now the tallest residential building in the entire city.

The construction on this project began in 2011, and was not completed until 2014. As one can see from the image below, this building is extremely noticeable from all directions. It is much taller than the surrounding buildings and is far more modernistic. The exterior is entirely glass, and throughout the building there are curved edges giving the building a sleek look. Much like the exterior of the building, the interior of the building was designed with modern aspects and designed for the future owners to have incredible views. Thus, the glass aspects of the building were a spectacular design. Although there were many mishaps throughout the building process, this is a building of the future.

This building is one of a kind, and it is possesses an architectural design that is far superior from the surrounding residential buildings. This was only possible because of the intelligence and effort of Christian de Portzamparc. This building will continue to stand apart from others and intrigue high end buyers based off of the spectacular structural designs.

Work Cited:

“One57.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Feb. 2020,



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