Blog 1 Munkhbileg Munkhburen Ger

This is the mongolian traditional yurt which is called ‘GER’.  Before 2000, every mongolian people used to live in ger. Also i spend my first few years of life in it.  Mongolians are nomadic people. We move to different locations depends on the seasons. During winter it reaches -40 degrees therefore one need to move to farmer place such as base of mountain. Living in ger taught me how to survive in nature.

This is how inside looks like. We have stove in middle of it for cooking and heating purpose.  Every furniture inside is made by hand only using natural materials. Also all furniture and whole ger is same as LEGO. When you moving into different location, you disassemble all components which will makes it easier for transfering.

This mongolian national ger shaped my life from the birth. It made me nature person and prepared me for lot of life challenges. Also i admire how people from few thousand years ago managed to build this LEGO like structure

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