Blog 1 – Joseph Liu – The Pantheon

During the summer of 2019, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Italy. While we visited many great architectural feats, the Pantheon was one of my favorites. Located in the center of Rome, the Pantheon is a temple that was designed using geometrical shapes. This temple was created in 127 CE and was devoted to the earth gods in ancient Roman mythology. The walls in this temple on the ground were noted to be 27 feet thick and become progressively thinner as it got closer to the dome. The slant thickness of this temple was done in order to hold up the massive dome sitting on its top. Furthermore, the lower walls were made of gravel and then turned into stone/concrete as it progressed in height.

My favorite component of this building is the hole at the top of the dome, allowing the inside of the temple to allow the weather to enter the building itself. This hole was created in order to create a connection between the physical and metaphysical world, showcasing the Roman connection between them and their gods. This building impacted me in a positive way because it showed the creativity and depth these ancient architects conducted in order to showcase their beliefs while also making monumental feats. The ideals behind this building have encouraged me to try to make a personal connection to all the activities and assignments that I take up. I was struck with awe when I entered the building because the combination of the pillars that were all beautifully crafted and the natural light that came in through the roof really enunciated the beauty of the dome itself.

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