Blog 1: Hanoi Opera House

This is the Hanoi Opera house that I had the chance to get a glimpse of when I was traveling through Hanoi during the summer of 2016. I did not get the chance to go inside, but just seeing the exterior of it was enough for me to appreciate how beautiful the building is. I had mixed feelings about it when I first saw it because I have enough knowledge of my country to know that it was a building that was made through French colonization, which anyone would have mixed feelings about as they don’t want to remember that their country had been colonized every time they see a building. You notice it instantly because of the four large pillars in the middle of the building and the pillars that wrap around the building. Seeing this building made me realize how great things can be by mixing two different ideas of two countries can be. Vietnamese people have been influenced by the French in more ways than one and architecture is just one of them.

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