BLOG 1- Community Christian School

Growing up I went to public school, all the way up until my Sophomore year. Right before my Sophomore year of High School my parents decided it would be a good idea for me to go to private school so I would be out of the toxic environment that I was in at public school. At first I did not want to go to the school because I had all of my friends already and the transition would mean that I have to make all new friends. After the first few months of school I really started to enjoy it because I made so many new friends. Another thing I really liked about CCS was that I could openly talk about my faith at school without being looked at differently or seen as the “Jesus Freak”. The architecture of this building is very modern and is very pretty on the outside but the inside is just as pretty and modern. Having a school that allows a lot of natural light in really helps you enjoy the schooling.

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