Blog 1 – Ashley Rodriguez – Philbrook Museum of Art

This museum holds art exhibitions and has amazing gardens. It is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is in the former home of Waite and Genevieve Phillips. I have visited Philbrook many times, because there really isn’t much to do in my hometown and this museum always has new exhibitions and events, but it’s also amazing to see that a family once lived there. It’s easy to just focus on the art and gardens, but I find it to be more of an experience if you also focus on the building it’s placed in. It’s massive, to say the least, and intriguing to know it was built in the 1920’s, with how detail-oriented the architecture is, inside and out. It has many windows that allow you to feel the sun from outside, or the clouds, but whatever the weather, it helps set the mood of the rooms. I wonder if this is why the city chose this homestead to hold certain art, or if it was just another building to put art in. Either way the Philbrook Museum of Art is beautiful, and I recommend it to anyone who visits Tulsa!

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