Blog 1 – Andrew French – Childhood home

For my first building, I chose the old house that I lived in for 15 years in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. My parents moved there when I was 5 years old and moved out of it once I got into college. This house holds probably most of my childhood memories ranging from birthday parties to after Friday night football games in high school.

Growing up, it was surrounded by fields so my friends and I would use the fields for baseball and offroading on our bicycles. It also made it easier that most of my best friends lived right down the street so we could make it to each other in a couple of minutes. My house was the house that everyone would drive over to no matter what time it was and my front door was always open. My parents were very welcoming and the house didn’t look like much from the outside but you could see the real beauty on the inside.

It was the best environment to grow up in because my parents loved having everyone over at their house and didn’t mind opening their doors to more teenagers. It always felt like a comfortable place to relax and that’s what I loved most about it.


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