Blog 1 (3)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

March 3, 2020

Blog 1 (3)

            When I look back on the many building I have interacted with growing up, one of the building that was very influential and made a large impact on my life was the gym I attended during high school. This particular building was one I interacted with and used on a daily basis. Whether I was by myself or with friends, I was constantly making memories within this building. The first time I saw the structure, I knew it had an immense amount of potential. This building gave me a sense of inspiration and motivation to better myself.

This gym is known as Lifetime Fitness, and it is located in the southern parts of Tulsa, Oklahoma. When observing the images below, one is able to see the magnificent architectural features if this building and the variety of amenities this particular building withholds. This architectural design features an incredible number of windows, which lets in an immense amount of light. This gives a sense of welcome and made me feel motivated to better my body. Also, the landscaping and the surrounding areas of the gym were immaculate. This made the gym seem more luxurious and inviting. After observing the architectural aspects of the exterior and the interior, I knew this gym would be a place where I can excel in many different aspects and shape me into a healthier human.

With that in mind, this building has always affected me in a positive manner. This is because I have always been persistent in staying as healthy as possible. Going to the gym is something that makes me feel more productive and optimistic throughout the day. It is also a place that allowed me to make many unforgettable memories. In high school, my friends and I would spend most of the day there either playing basketball, working out, or just hanging by the pool. Regardless of what we were partaking in, we always enjoyed our time in this particular gym. This is why this building will forever have a positive influence on my life.

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