Big Ben

It’s been 13 years since I was in London, but the building I remember the most was Big Ben. The inside was elegant, lined with huge murals of past leaders. The walls seemed to be covered in gold and silver and each room contained elegant furnishings. I remember a room that seemed like a dining room because of the massive table setup with dishes and silverware. Even the chairs seemed elegant and real, as in real precious metals and fine cloth. While I was 7 at the time I remember the ceiling felt like they were 20 feet up and everything there felt tall. Even though everything in the building seemed expensive and “royal” it had this home feeling. On the outside, the massive clock tower was prominent, like a bold statement. The design of the building reminded me of a prison. Small windows and big pillars on either side. The pointy towers on the walls seem to me like barbed wire to show security. So a home feel on the inside but secure and defensive on the outside.

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