Austin Bowen – Blog 1 – Seminole High School

Seminole is my hometown and where I have spent most of my life, so naturally the one building that did the most to shape me into the person I am would hold a lot of influence on me. The Seminole high school was build around 1930 and still stands today. It has three floors with classic lockers and classrooms lining the hallways. There is nothing very interesting about the architecture, because its pretty plain in terms of design. The clock tower on top would probably be the most interesting thing about the building.


This building definitely had somewhat of a negative impact on me, as well as a positive one. It was condemned  for use in 2015 and no students or teachers have been allowed inside without approval in quite some time. The reason we were not allowed to continue going to school there was because of some serious foundation issues that had the auditorium at risk of collapsing at any time, along side asbestos and mold all throughout the building. This is one of the most memorable buildings for me, not pt because of the architecture necessarily, but because e of the memories associated

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