Architect (John Patrick Picard) Blog 7: Polymer Packaging, by Florian Moser

Polymer Packaging

Polymer Packaging is a firm that distributes what its name suggests – it produces material for packaging, most notably plastics for consumer products. As per its website, it claims to reduce costs in its production processes and to contribute to a sustainable environment. John Picard’s design philosophy incorporates a ‘greener’, eco-friendly plan into his designs, and can be seen from various perspectives of the building. It’s a design philosophy I welcome, knowing that there is enough plastic in our oceans to kill us many times over if it ever ends up in our food. We certainly don’t need any more of it, and any entities, individual to corporate, are more than welcome to introduce philosophies that deviate away from its use or at least try to minimize the impact of plastic.

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Polymer Packaging

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