An Nguyen-Slit House by EASTERN Design Office-Blog Post 7

this house is designed by Japanese architects EASTERN Design Office with slits instead of traditional window that no architecture has thought about before. this house is located at an old city in Japan, where many private houses. There are 60 long slashes in the building’s concrete exterior walls, some are straight and some and angled. the width splits screen inner privacy from view from outside but bring 60 light into the house . one of two narrow frontages faces a street and the other faces a river Glass is set straight into grooves in the concrete without window frames. the slits remind us people of old experience in memory with poetic scenery. it looks like if a stream of light through Fusuma in Japanese architecture or a stream if light from skylight of ancient stone architecture. interior wall are made of wood to easily removed and reinstalling if the building needed to be changed in the future. This architecture has a silent ambiance just like in the midst of solitary jar and a poetic clearness as like in an endless partiality. The slits hold the promise of an innovative design method of architecture.At the dawn, watery light comes into the house through the slits. That makes the entire room bright faintly. At 9:30AM,sequence of the feeble light that reflects to header of slits appears. At 10:30AM, the sunlight pierces through angled slits at first. At 11:00AM,the sunlight pierces through all slits. The sunlight through the slit and the reflected light on the header of the slit project the stripe of V type to the long corridor. If you saw the repetition of this edgy light, you might feel as if time of 11:00AM has stopped. In as much as ten minutes, the reflected light on the header disappears. The shape of the light that the slit makes changes from V type into one stripe

Rose Etherington | 10 October 2009 27 comments. (2019, July 1). Slit House by EASTERN Design Office. Retrieved from

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