An Nguyen-chemistry building-Blog Post 4


This is the chemistry building of The University of Oklahoma. This was the worst and ugliest building at OU in my opinion. It look really old, not old in the good way like most of the buildings at OU, this building looks like it is never been maintained or repaired ever. Most of things was made out of steel such as stair, the trails, windows. These steel are rusted and show the ugly reddish color that you don’t want to touch. The space inside was designed very confusing people who first walk in. The furnitures inside are old and rusted as well. Every time I sat on the chair it makes the sound like it is about to collapse and those steel would stabbed on my ass. Every time I walk by this building, it remind me of the time that I was taking Physical Chemistry Lab. It was a hard class by I made it through alive. I hope for class that I have to take in the future, they would not be in this building.

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