
Nathan Eki: Blog 3 – Lasater Residence by Lake Flato

Located in Forth Worth on a sloping site on a heavily wooded area the building beautifully blends into the landscape with massive walls of limestone with a balance of wood and glass. This building is truly remarkable, and it simply draws you in when considering the landscape around the house. The use glass allows the people inside to enjoy the vegetation around them creating a tranquil atmosphere that I can only imagine calms the mind immensely after a stressful day. Looking at this building I can only gaze in awe at the beauty and serenity.

LF30: 1994 Lasater Residence

Nathan Eki: Blog 2 – McDonalds

Many times, throughout my childhood on road-trips across the country for vacations or soccer games the golden arch brought me joy. A swirl of emotions filled my heart as I saw my father pulling into a McDonalds after a long drive or even a long game for a happy meal. A one story, open concept layout never seemed so welcoming, especially with the golden sign signaling the location of happiness. During my adolescence, my father was always working outside of the continent, so I never had a lot of money and I found myself often staring at my local McDonalds with 5 dollars and a dream. This was the beginning of a love affair with a golden arch, silly clown and wacky fun architecture designed to stimulate happiness for children. It doesn’t need to be said but the best McDonalds had a playground inside them for kids to play and what a marvelous idea construed by this corporation.

Nathan Eki: Blog 1 – Eisenhower Executive Office Building

When you go to the state capitol, Washington DC, the building most talked about is the spectacular White House where the president resides. But just west of the white house less than half a football field away lies of the most magnificent structures I have ever seen, the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. This building is 5 acres in area and 4 stories tall with a

basement. When I first saw the building I was overwhelmed, I didn’t know it existed. I remember as a kid seeing the White House, but after revisiting this building it is unmistakably in your face. It was designed to strike awe into visitors to show the might of the most powerful country on Earth. The French Second Empire architecture style is unimaginably beautiful and if I were to design a place for state officials to work this would be it. I would recommend to anyone visiting the White House to simply look to their right and gaze in awe.

Blog 2 John Genovesi- Frost Bank building

The frost bank building is a skyscraper office in the heart of Austin Texas. It is a very unique building, resembling an Owl. The rumor is that the architect that designed the building was a Rice University Grad and purposely made it look like an owl to mess with the rival UT School of Architecture. I have never been inside the building but it is a building that when you are near it you can’t miss it. I also love the pettiness the Rice architect put into the design.