
Blog 2 #1 Creed Harland – Oklahoma Memorial Stadium

The Oklahoma Memorial stadium has never disappointed me whenever I have been in it. Its purpose is to be able to bring people together gathered around an event that they all love. Whether you are there for your freshman orientation or watching the Sooners play in the fall it will always leave you in awe as you walk in through the main gates of the red brick stadium and climb the stairs to the top risers. With the large glass windows you are able to look out over Normans beautiful campus as you go to find your seats for the game.

Blog # 1 John Paul Junglen – Red Rocks Amphitheater

Rock Rocks was built in 1941, and seats roughly 10,000 people. It was a man made stucture out of mother nature’s creation. The architect that made this ampitheatre was Burnham Hoyt. His vision was to preserve the natural beauty of the land around the ampitheatre.

I was born in Colorado Springs, CO. The Red Rocks Amphitheater was an influential place for me growing up as a kid. I grew up in Colorado for the first eleven years of my life. I remember my dad would take me to Red Rocks every month. He was big into music, and would always say that this is the most beautiful place to listen to your favorite artist. After moving to Oklahoma when I was twelve, I have not been back to Red Rocks until this September. It was truely the best venue I have ever been to.

Cole Chronowski – Cassiopeia – Blog Post 1


Cassiopeia is one of the cafeteria buildings on Epic’s campus in Verona, Wisconsin. This is one of my favorite buildings on Epic’s campus because of the natural lighting it provides. The architecture style for their first campus was supposedly inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright.

The windows give a view of the fields surrounding the campus. There may not be much to look at, but I appreciated seeing the nature as far as I could see. I hope it continues to be a natural landscape, since seeing the nature makes me feel more grounded. When I encountered it for the first time, I was amazed at how tall the windows were and the view.

Oh, and having walkways or tunnels between all the buildings is a great plus for the Wisconsin winters.

Nathan Eki: Blog 8 – Pearl Brewery Redevelopment by Lake Flato

Who doesn’t love beer? This building was repurposed for the use of turning it into a vibrant development. Reusing old garage doors with large framed windows and reusing beer storage and viola a perfect space to a little drinking. With 18 restaurants and bars occurring over 100,000 square feet along with a amphitheater overlooking the Riverwalk with office and banquet space, it is an extremely inviting area for drinking, socializing and enjoying indoor or outdoor cooking.

Blog 2- Philip Lyles- The National Archive

The National Archive building is one of my favorite architectural works of art ever done. My family and I visited Washington D.C. for the first time in my life this past summer, and all of these buildings could be on this list as they all have beautiful architectural taste to them. The meaning of this building to me really just represents one word, “history”. The style of the material of the building shows how old it is, the old style of the pillars makes it look like a powerful and important building, and the mere size of it is astonishing as well. The way it affected me was it really made me appreciate how well the architecture was associated with the building, and the detail of the entire building.
The encounter that I had when I first visited this building was astonishing. As it was the first of the major building in D.C. that I visited, the large size and detail of the building caught me off guard almost. My thoughts and feelings towards this experience of visiting the national archive were happiness and satisfaction. I thought it was nice to be able to experience a very rare and distinct type of architecture and to study and understand the meanings behind this wonderful piece of architecture.

Image result for national archive building

Nathan Eki: Blog 7 – 611 Park Ave

In a difficult part of my live, I once considered this home away from home my second home and the people inside the home my second family. For a prolonged period, my father worked overseas, and I would rarely see him, so weeks turned to months and months to a calendar year. My best friends’ family often offered for me to come over for dinner and sometimes just to hang out and play around because they understood no one was at home to take care of me. The house the family lived in was a 2-story house with 4 bedrooms, all upstairs, with a living room downstairs and a sauna in the garage. It was well decorated with its warm pastel wall colors and chocolate furniture but there was nothing especially about the home. It’s impact stays with me because of the family that resided inside it, so although they may have moved out, every time I pass the house, I feel nostalgia.

Blog 1- Philip Lyles- The Biz

Even though this is a very common building for this assignment, the biz library does have a lot of meaning to me. The meaning of this building represents hard work and results. My success in school has been in part due to this biz, because of the wonderful environment and the amazing things they offer to create the perfect study environment for me. The way that it affected me was it gave me a sense of belonging and calmness because the building is very well layed out and gives you a large sense of comfort right when you walk in.
My encounter and experience with this building are not always the best going in, because i know I am going in to study. However, my feelings leaving the library give me a feeling and sense of satisfaction because I had put in the work and got the results that I worked towards.


Image result for biz norman library

Nathan Eki: Blog 6 – Georgia Tech Krone Engineered Biosystems Building by Lake Flato

This building is a new model for research facilities that challenges the traditional laboratory design, by creating an open lab design that fosters engagement. THE LEED Engineered Biosystems Building’s six story narrow structure is a light footprint that maximizes view while simultaneously acting as a vibrant new entry to the campus making Atlanta’s northern midtown. The buildings showcases ecology in its use of wood finished interiors complimenting the research done on ecology. This building resembles the same layout as Gallogly Hall in its interior design but the beauty of the outside simply outshines our dull brick layered Gallogly. The open space compliments the ecological performance of the building extremely well.

Nathan Eki: Blog 5- Brookings High School

In this high school, located in the middle of the sixth largest city in the State of SD, the dreary hallways zap the energy of the students as they traverse the halls. Although a renovation made seven years ago has allowed the cafeteria to soak in sunlight from its window panels it’s a large improvement from the dungeon that once was. This building always made me feel uneasy once inside, the tile flooring was never waxed, the corridors were always too tight for people roaming the halls and the heating was never on during the beginning of wintertime. When the hallway lights flickered, the image seemed like a shot from a scary film.

Nathan Eki: Blog 4 – Confluence Park by Lake Flato

This park located in the south region of Texas in San Antonio at the confluence of San Antonio River and San Pedro Creek (hence the name) it contains concrete petals designed to imitate the form of plants. This imagery is supposed to convey the confluence of waterways by using plants that are structured to funnel rainwater to their roots and these concrete structures are meant to convey that concept. The park also includes a multi-purpose education center that has a green roof providing passive heating and cooling. The entire site is also powered by a solar panels that will provide energy on a year long basis. The golden arches of the concrete petals themselves are very beautiful but adding the fact that this park is also self-powered increases the thought put into this by Flato. It is simply remarkable concrete could be used in such a way.