Blog 1 Taylor Sperry: Bizzell Memorial Library

Being from Norman, I never really had the desire to attend the University of Oklahoma. I wanted to get away and go somewhere that wasn’t where I grew up. I would go to class and do the bare minimum I needed to do to get through college but it wasn’t until about half way through sophomore year that I began to really admire the architecture and buildings that were on campus. My favorite being the Biz. It wasn’t until this point that I began to finally appreciate a new found sense of pride and love in my university. Having this love for my university affected my experience here at OU in an extremely positive way. I no longer see it as the place where I’ve been basically my whole life, it is now this beautiful campus that I have the privilege to attend and something to be proud of.

Blog 4 – Jacob Schnoebelen – Sarkey’s Fitness Center (OU Campus)

Sarkey’s Fitness Center (formerly Huston Huffman Fitness Center, or simply the Huff), is on OU’s campus located across from the dorm towers. It was built in 1981, and been renovated a few times since then. I have mixed emotions when thinking about and looking at this building, nothing to do with the architecture, but more so in how poor it is in comparison to competing colleges fitness centers.

The Huff has very simple architecture, using primarily red brick and a white concrete top section in blocks. It is two separate buildings, connected under a walkway and most of the center is underground. On the inside, it is somewhat typical to giant fitness centers of other universities, mostly concrete with high ceilings. In comparison to other colleges, it is small in size and amenities. The building leaks water inside when it rains and doesn’t have a pool within the building like many others, rather the pool is detached and a few blocks down. Even with the deficiencies I still very much have enjoyed my time spent at the Huff, and the staff does its best to make it welcoming for all students.

Blog 3 – Jacob Schnoebelen – Federal Hall (NYC)

Another building I saw and was impressed by on my trip to NYC was Federal Hall. I didn’t know much about it, and didn’t even plan to visit it but as we were walking through Wall Street. I didn’t know until after taking this picture, that it is the location where George Washington took his oath to become the first President of the US.

I was impressed by the Greek Revival style architecture, and the marble stone look. The building was built in 1842, and one of the best surviving examples of this architecture style in NYC. The Greek Revival Architecture is what originally caught my eye, and got me to take the picture with a proud George Washington statue out front. Only after did I look up the historical significance of the building and realized the importance of it, and that I stood on those steps.

Big Ben

It’s been 13 years since I was in London, but the building I remember the most was Big Ben. The inside was elegant, lined with huge murals of past leaders. The walls seemed to be covered in gold and silver and each room contained elegant furnishings. I remember a room that seemed like a dining room because of the massive table setup with dishes and silverware. Even the chairs seemed elegant and real, as in real precious metals and fine cloth. While I was 7 at the time I remember the ceiling felt like they were 20 feet up and everything there felt tall. Even though everything in the building seemed expensive and “royal” it had this home feeling. On the outside, the massive clock tower was prominent, like a bold statement. The design of the building reminded me of a prison. Small windows and big pillars on either side. The pointy towers on the walls seem to me like barbed wire to show security. So a home feel on the inside but secure and defensive on the outside.

Cologne Catherdral

The Cathedral in Cologne, Germany is the biggest church I have ever been inside. When you first walk in you can see down a giant open hallway lined with pews and people talking. The inside was pretty dark, lit by torches and small light fixtures. The ceiling felt like it reached the sky, while the hallways seemed to go on for miles. I was able to go up into one of the towers and I remember when we were close to the top we came to an open round area. It seemed like a rest spot for the stairs, but it was big enough that you could have thought it was a common area. An area to trade goods in or converse with one another. Near the top were open windows that allowed birds in, and natural lighting. I didn’t go all the way up, but this room felt like you were still on the ground while being inside.

Blog, Kenzie Heggie Seattle International Airport

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The Sea-Tac Airport in Seattle Washington was built in 1944, it was built with $1.1 million dollars that was donated by  Civil Aeronautics Administration and The City of Tacoma. Sea Tac might not be a very big airport compared to airports like Denver, but it is the biggest airport in Seattle which allows close to 52 million people to travel. Sea Tac is also ranked 13th for the busiest cargo airport in the country. Sea Tac is trying is become the best airport for the environment, beginning with having the smallest carbon footprint to all others airports.

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I started traveling when I was 3 years old, and ever since than I have went on at least one trip every year. Every time I am in the Sea Tac airport it makes me feel good about myself, it reminds me how lucky I am to get to travel this much. It also reminds me how much  I have already seen and how much more I continue to see.  Sea Tac makes me feel important it make me feel like I am doing something with this life I was given and that I am taking advantage of it. Image result for seattle international airport

I have traveled to many places, seen many things and sometimes I look past the role the Sea Tac airport plays in it. Every time I get onto a plane I always tell myself I am going to feel different when I get back to this airport. The Sea Tac airport carries many of my milestones. I have flown out of it saying i might come back a national champion, I might come back a Texas Tech cheerleader, I might come back happier, I might come back and have made one of the biggest decisions of my life and so on. Every time I get back to the airport something big has happened to me, good and bad. Image result for seattle international airport

When I go to Sea Tac to leave I have expectations of how and who  I am going come back as. I remember coming back sometimes wishing I wasn’t the way I was, or wishing I could go back, or sometimes wishing I wouldn’t have left at all. The Sea Tac airport is more than just a  place that gets me from point A to point B, its a constant remind of what I just did and of what really just happened in my life.

Blog Kenzie Heggie McCasland The University of Oklahoma

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McCasland at The University of Oklahoma, in Norman Oklahoma was built January 13, 1982, its first opening was with a basketball game between The Oklahoma Sooners and The Kansas Jayhawks, which resulted in a Sooner win. McCasland is now a place for athletes such as, volleyball, gymnast and cheerleaders. This is where the volleyball team and the gymnast perform and compete, but this is where cheerleaders practice.Image result for when was mccasland university of oklahoma built

Although, McCasland has been open for many years. I didn’t know of it until I became interested in the University of Oklahoma which was a year and a half ago. I have now spent more time in McCasland than I have in my own house in Washington over this last year. The meaning of McCasland to me is much deeper than just a building apart of my school campus. McCasland carries the root of my journey at OU. I am a current cheerleader for the university of Oklahoma and McCasland, is where I met everyone on the cheer team, it is where this whole journey began for me. I would say McCasland is the first chapter to my college story. Image result for when was mccasland university of oklahoma built

McCasland is where my team and I have put in blood, sweat and tears, to get the opportunity to cheer for the Sooners football, basketball, volleyball and gymnastics teams. However, the biggest experience McCasland carries is the opportunity I had of being apart of the OU national cheerleading team.Image result for when was mccasland university of oklahoma built

During Christmas break myself and 19 other people out of the 42 of us on the team got chosen by our coach Miranda to represent OU and the UCA national cheerleading competition In January. While  everyone else on the team and everyone else on campus went home, we spent at least four hours everyday in McCasland for 35 days straight. Anytime I look at McCasland or walk in there a different memory pops up in my head, bad or good they still make me appreciate how much memory McCasland holds. McCasland is where my story has been written, it is where all the begin the scenes moments happened.

Blog 1-Lisa Ratliff-Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art (Bentonville, AR)

Last year I went to visit the famous Walmart city Bentonville which is the home of Crystal Bridges, the Museum of American Art. Mostly paid for by the Walmart Foundation, this 200 million dollar museum is beautifully crafted by an architect who wanted the museum to match the Ozark forest. This was incredibly apparent when I arrived there because the museum almost looks hidden away in the expansive forest. But once you get closer you begin to notice the white and glass curves of the museum.

To further complement the forest, the museum is not made any taller than the trees surrounding it and it also has a pond in the middle of it to reflect the surrounding sky and trees. These characteristics gave me a feeling of peace and calmness. I loved the bulges of wood and glass that can be found as pod looking elements across the water. Specifically, these bulges will light up at night and create beautiful organic stripes towards the sky. This is all a spectacle throughout the museum due to the great use of glass throughout the halls of the museum.

My favorite part about my visit here was the outdoor spaces that connected to the interior of the museum. These spaces included trails for bikes and places to connect with nature. The areas outside were also viewable through the glass halls which housed not only the galleries but also a restaurant and cafe.

The Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas

Blog 2-Lisa Ratliff-Griffith Observatory (Los Angeles, CA)

The Griffith Observatory was built in the 1930s for the city of Los Angeles, California. It is a three-domes observatory building sitting atop of Mount Hollywood. The huge telescopes inside are available for the public to use with special guidance and the domes will actually open up and slide for the telescopes to view specific stars or planets. One of the characteristics of the building that makes its presence extraordinary is the climb up the mountain to arrive to the observatory. It is a twenty to thirty-minute hike up to the top with a couple of breathtaking views and stops along the way.

In 2018 when I visited with my friends, once we got to the top we could not believe how expansive the view below us was. It made me feel so small and amazed. I loved the way the dark domes contrasted against the white cement. The Observatory was placed right on the edge of the mountain facing the city of LA and also some of the multi-million dollar Hollywood homes. It was kind of a funny feeling that we came here for the observatory to look up at the stars when we actually just got a great view of the city.

On the side of the building are walls that go to your waist to lean on and take pictures of the city. These walls surround the backside of the Observatory and also lead to the inside of the museum and planetarium. This building was extremely memorable because of the ideas it housed and the concepts which it stood for. It is a free place for kids and adults to view what is in the skies above us, I even got to see Saturn and that is something I will always remember.

Aqua in Chicago, Illinois

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The Aqua tower was built in 2009 in downtown Chicago. It was designed  by Studio Gang Architects with James Loewenberg as the architect on  record. This is a residential building with 82 floors.

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When I first saw this building, I thought it was so cool. I had no idea what it was. Later that day, my mom and I went on an architecture river tour. In this tour, I got to know what this building was. After this tour, I have been obsessed with this building.

Flash forward I few years to when I go to an architecture camp over the summer. For one of the projects we had to choose a building we liked and go into depth on the building. This caused me to do lots of research on Aqua. All this research made me love this building even more than I had in the past.

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