Blog 4 Sarkeys Energy Center Creed Harland

The Sarkeys Energy Center has been my most memorable experience with architecture while I have been a student at OU. I have only had two classes at Sarkeys but I remember them both thoroughly. On top of it being one of the tallest buildings at OU, it has the most confusing underground structure I have encountered. Each hallway or corridor is lettered off to make the vast number of classrooms and offices easier. Only some hallways seem to end abruptly or continue a different floor from where they leave off. You can walk around the hallways looking for a professor’s office only to find they are on the opposite side of the building and up the next floor. While I do appreciate how open the energy center is and it having one of the best libraries on campus to study your notes, I would not want to visit it daily as it still continues to confuse me to this day. 

Blog 3 Pioneer Center Creed Harland

The Elk City Pioneer Center is where I spend most of my free time while in high school. It had a full-size auditorium where I would build sets every year for the school musicals and the varsity basketball gym where I would practice throughout the season. You could walk across the catwalks and see the vast seating of both auditoriums. It almost seemed like it was never ending as you there were underground hallways connecting the two places together by the breezeway between them. It was always interesting to see both places filled with people on the weekends and how each auditorium accommodated them to what they were hosting at the moment 

Jacob Hatch-Blog 3-Couch Resturants

One building that has truly impacted my life here at OU is the couch restaurants AKA “the cafe”. This has to be one of my more favorite buildings at OU because the way it is design is not supposed to just be a place to eat its a place to try new foods and socialize from many different types of food to the many TVs they have around the interior of the building. The way the cafe is set up is a wonderful idea because as the you move from one side of the building it feels as if I am getting a new cultural food experience even though the food is not authentic. With all the large open windows also makes it feel bigger than it actual is so it doesn’t feel so closed off and feel like its just a place to eats it’s more than that.

Blog 2 Price College of Business Creed Harland

Price college of business has been the building that I have experienced most while being on campus at the University of Oklahoma. The design of Price is what I enjoy the most. The long hallways that lead you around the courtyard as you walk to your next class is beautiful. The stairs that lead you from floor to floor or the corridors that lead you into Adams Hall is all convenient for student life. While having enough space for students to use the computer labs and study rooms whenever they are needed for work. While I have both experienced positive and negative thoughts and emotions while being in the college of business, I can say that it has all been worth it in the end. It Is a building that I have never tired of while I have been in it and do not mind spending most of the day in if I must work on something for a class. 

Blog 1 Train Depot Creed Harland

The old train depot in Canadian, Texas that my family has converted into a warehouse and general office for my family business has impacted my life the most. My brother, cousins and I would spend our time climbing the stacks of lumber spread across the walls of the warehouse. We would run across the stacks and jump on each  one until we made it across the warehouse, all while being covered in black soot by the time it was over. The length was as long as a football field and was immense to us as kids. Every day after school we would all go down there and run around until closing time and repeat the same process the next day. It still seems like a giant playground to this day even 15 years later.  

Jacob Hatch-blog 2-The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History has always been a happy place ever since I was a kid. Even with the redesign of this building being finished in 2009 this new building has brought me even more joy. With the large open rooms it allows for the interchanging of exhibits and activities for everyone to do with the older exhibits in the back while the up stairs is used to present the new exhibits. With this design it gives was for lots of natural light to enter the building and really shine a new light on some old history or a new exhibit they might have.

Jacob Hatch-Blog 1-The Perot museum

The Perot museum in Dallas, Texas is a wonderful building that had helped spark my interest in history and science. The wonderful interior design of the building gives the patrons that visit a sense of how big it really is when you first walk in. Also as you walk through the museum with how it is designed you literally walk through the different exhibits to exit once you decide to enter. I think this a amazing idea because as you walk through the building you start to realize how different each science is and literally walk through history as you see all the dinosaurs at the end. With the amount of natural light that this building has is also good as well because it really lights up the exhibits and on your way up to the top of the museum it gives you a wonderful view of Dallas.

Leia Otterstatter: Blog 4 – Dulles International Airport

Dulles International Airport is located in Loudoun County, Virginia.  Dulles was built in 1962 by architect Eero Saarinen.  He wanted to make something that was whimsical because at that time, flying was enjoyable and luxurious.  There is a swooping concrete ceiling held up by columns, which symbolizes the other architecture that can be found in Washington D.C.

This is one of the airports that I fly out of when I am headed back to the University of Oklahoma.  Because of this, I usually have negative feelings about being there because it means that I am leaving home for awhile.  The security is also very cramped and hard to navigate.  This is because the airport was built before TSA existed.  This is also a very large airport with many different terminals.  To get around to the different terminals, you have to use either the people-movers or the tram.

When I have gone through the airport, it usually makes me stressed because it is so large and I am navigating it alone.  Even though I would fly the same airline, I usually have to go to a different terminal each time… so I make sure to always follow the signs!  As I stated above, it is difficult to go through security because it is so cramped.  Once I get to my gate, it is usually very hard to find seating unless you get there really early.  Even though I am grateful that this airport allows me to get where I need to go… I like flying into Dulles more than flying out of it.

Jake Lange- Blog Two- Oklahoma Memorial Union

In my previous post, I discussed the magnificent edifice of my high school. In this post, I will discuss a building at the University of Oklahoma, which bears a significance beyond its present utility to me as a student at the University: The Oklahoma Memorial Union.

One must begin with a discussion of the structure’s historical and architectural significance. The most prominent aspect of the building, its ninety-nine foot clock tower, is itself a statement on the nation’s history, as it was a WPA project; its imposing stature looms over the university and serves as a reminder of American exceptionalism during that era. Additionally, almost every part of the building serves as some kind of historical landmark or a form of remembrance for a historically significant Oklahoman. The red brick and off-white concrete finishing further solidifies the building’s identity as a part of this university, through the structure’s architectural design profile.

With regards to my own feelings on the building, much like my high school, a pang of nostalgia permeates my thoughts when they stray to the Union. It was the site of convention for my speech and debate team in high school during State tournaments, and before I was ever a student at the University, I had spent dozens of hours straying from the lounge with the pool tables and chairs to the Will Rogers dining area. I had purchased entirely too many things from Starbucks and what was then a Sbarro. I had laughed in exhaustion with my friends, too early in the morning and too late at night. I learned how to conduct myself like an adult- somewhat- in my suit and tie, a sixteen-year-old giving speeches on how to solve the problem of ISIS, how to fix relations with North Korea, or whatever else, as though I could have had the answers. I will never forget walking down the ramp toward that lounge, and seeing my friends, panicking over their debate rounds and speeches, all running on little or no sleep, dressed to the nines, giving preference to coffee to drink over air to breathe. The biggest difference between this and my high school is that the memories are not finished. Harding is the past, and as beautiful as it is, it is finished, perfect, and immutable. My experience with the Union is still evolving and being made. I look forward to seeing what else it has in store.

Leia Otterstatter: Blog 3 – Will Rogers World Airport

Will Rogers World Airport is located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  This airport is the main airport in the state.  For me, I am always excited to see this building since it means that I am able to go home to Virginia for a little bit.

This airport is on the smaller side; however, I personally appreciate that.  I usually fly out of Reagan or Dulles and they are fairly large compared to Will Rogers.  It is a really easy building to navigate since there aren’t any terminals and everything is centralized and connected in one building.  The set up is also very nice.  The traffic flow is simple, yet effective and allows for an easy drop-off or pick-up of people.  When you go in, the check-in counter is accessible and easy to find.  After check-in, you go through security and then your gate can be found quickly.   There is also a variety of stores and restaurants throughout the airport.

The airport itself is very open and easy to move around, especially when there are hundreds or even thousands of people trying to doing the same.  There is also plenty of light that shines through the building because of the windows of the side of the building as well as on the top, near the ceiling.  Right now, they are under construction in some parts of the building.  Will Rogers is working on building a terminal expansion to help relief congestion and allow the baggage claim area to be easier to navigate.  I look forward to seeing the finished construction in the future.
