Mercedes Post 4 The Colosseum

Honestly, I’m not sure if it was the hot summer day or the numerous people that were waiting in line to tour the Colosseum, but whatever it was rubbed me the wrong way. I was turned off completely from this historical building. Of course, I was in awe to see such a historic building but I didn’t love it, like I had when I saw the Vatican. I did think about all the people who fought in competed here which I thought was the coolest part. The architecture of course was incredible but everything in Italy was historic and unreal. Thinking about how someone was able to create so amazing building especially back then was surreal. Just not my favorite

Mercedes post 3 La Finca

This is a picture of an orphanage I was able to visit in Honduras. My heart immediately fell in love with this place. Not from just the kids but from the story it told. Colors that made me feel joyous, an open concept that kept you connected, and the field in the middle for activities. These were only a few of the things I loved, and in fact the orphanage stretched back even further than what this picture depicts. I am Spanish so it is in my blood to love that Spanish style but when I first encountered this place it was home. It reminded me of summers at my grandparents in a tiny but open house that had a huge backyard where we played. Just like how the kids of the orphanage loved La Finca. It was warm and inviting in all the best ways.

Mercedes post 2 London Flat

Now, I know this might be a little different for a blog post about a building but my flat in London was one of  my most favorite places I have lived in so far. I love everything about the building the white buildings next to the brown, the chimneys, the parking spaces in the front, and of course the railing. Everyday, when I would walk home from work and arrive on my street I would just admire the buildings of my cozy flat. European architecture is so different from anything here in Oklahoma. I loved how personal everything was and cozy.

Mercedes post 1 Vatican

When I was in Italy and had the chance to tour the Vatican I was blown away. The architecture of the building was absolutely incredible. I could not seem to wrap my mind around how someone was able to create such an amazing building. Once I entered the cathedral it was only heightened. I am catholic so it was especially an amazing experience. I felt a sense of peace and awe. The meaning of the building is such a big part of history and will continue to be. Thinking of all the popes that have stepped foot inside or are even buried in mind blowing.

Blog 4 – Dale Murray – Growing Up

This is a picture of my first apartment at The Ave and when I signed the lease for this apartment was the first moment I felt like a real adult because I was working almost full time to make enough money for rent and that this place was mine. Even though I shared the apartment with four others I didn’t have to share a room or a bathroom with anybody and I felt like I had my own personal space that was all mine and mine alone. This sense of ownership came with a sense of belonging and I felt that there was always a place for me to retreat to if I ever need it. I remember moving into the apartment was a strange and new experience because unlike in the dorms where you only had a small bed area to call your own, here I had plenty of space. With this change however there came the realization that I need things that I never needed in the dorms, like silverware, plates, lots of food and many other things. Even though this realization that I wasn’t fully prepared was frightening, I was optimistic and looking forward to the challenge of living in my own place.

Tyler Tadlock – Blog 2 – The Pantheon

The Pantheon is a wonder to me because when I look at it I find it almost unbelievable, When you take into account the dome and the concrete and the techniques used it would be hard enough to do today. When you consider that it was done 2000 plus years ago it blows my mind. The inside looks so good still even after all these years of being rained in you can’t really spot any erosion that would normally be present. The light being funneled through open top of the dome creates an almost religious experience as it spotlights on the different religious or other paintings on the walls around the building as the sun moves across the sky. I think if you are truly aware of where you are and those that have been there before than a building that has stood for as long and through such important times as the pantheon than I think it will always give its guest an awe about it.

Blog 2- Ryan Finnegan, The Louvre

Image result for the louvre

When I was 14 years old my family and I had a vacation to Paris where we stayed for about a week and toured many different things within the city. One of the coolest things that we went to was the Louvre. It’s one of the biggest art museums in the world and is home to many world renown paintings and sculptures that were truly amazing to see. One of the most iconic things there besides all the paintings, like the Moan Lisa for example, is the glass pyramid entrance in the courtyard of the Louvre. It’s one of the coolest pieces of architecture that I have ever seen along with the size of the museum. It would take a whole week to even see everything within the museum because it is so enormous. The Louvre was one of the coolest places I’ve ever got to seen and go into along with many other things that I saw throughout the vacation.

Tristan Wardlow Post #2 – The Biz


The Biz located in Norman, OK home of the Oklahoma Sooners. This is where I like to get Bizzy pursuing my degree. First, the architecture is absolutely beautiful and so inviting. It’s a blessing to be able to study in such a luxurious building while also enjoying Starbucks. Second, I love this place because this is where degrees are earned by so many students, and it makes you feel better when you see other students stressed out like you are. I realize I am not the only going through the stuggle of being a college student. OU has now added learning labs and conference rooms which makes  The biz more of a fun learning enviroment and makes me enthusiastic about learning. The great reading room is also a great spot in The Biz to study, it is so calming. Overall this is one of my favorite places on campus, and I will miss the Bizz when I graduate one of these days.

Sagrada Famillia (Blog 4)

The Sagrada Familia is one of the most important buildings to me because of the way it impacted my view on architecture.  The building was designed by Antoni Gaudi in 1883 and is still being constructed. Gaudi combined both Gothic and Art Nouveau design when planning the Cathedral. Since Gaudi’s death, some of his original design plans have been destroyed and engineers spent roughly sixteen years reconstructing the original plans so that they can keep building as close as possible to the original design. The building had an impact on me because of the different styles of architecture that it uses and because it is the first big piece of architecture that I have seen outside of the United States.  The different design was something that I had never seen before and something that I never would have expected for a cathedral. I recently read that it is supposed to be complete by the year 2026 and hope that I can visit again someday to see the finished product.

Charlotte Kostecka – Blog 4 – Perry YMCA

The Perry YMCA has meant a lot to me growing up because it was where I played volleyball for many years. After 3-4 years playing at the Y, I began to play at my intermediate school and I also played club volleyball for two years. The reason playing at the Y had more of an impact on me is because my team mostly consisted of a group of us that had been friends since pre-K and we always requested to play together. Because of this, playing volleyball allowed me to see my friends and stay close to them even though we no longer went to school together. Even once all of us were playing club and school, we still signed up to play at the Y together every summer so we could see each other, and playing with them are some of the best memories I have from that time.
