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Blog 4 Tyler Boyd , Jerry’s World

Welcome to Jerry’s World, or AT&T arena in Arlington, Texas. This is where all of the magic happens, in the most beautiful and powerful stadium in the world. No experience outweighs another once you step inside of this Magical place to watch America’s team attempt to dominate the NFC East. This illustrious stadium has had a great impact on my life as I have been in the stands many times with my father both disappointed and extremely proud to wear silver and navy blue. The stadium costed $1.15 billion dollars to build and every penny can be seen throughout the facility. Without this stadium football today would mean something completely different, rather football today would be nothing without the Cowboys.

Blog 3 Tyler Boyd, Dickies Arena

This gorgeous stadium is the brand new Dickies Arena built in Fort Worth, Texas which opened late November 2019. This building meant alot to many sports fans and natives to fort worth that had to always drive to arlington for all big sporting events or Dallas for concerts. The architecture on this modern stadium is gorgeous and the amenities that lie within in are even nicer than its outward appearance. This addiction to the already beautiful architecture in Fort Worth just makes the city nicer as a whole. This stadium hosted the stock show rodeo which has always been a tradition between my friends to come home from college and go, it was a very nice and much more comfortable and entertaining experience to be in a new arena.

Logan Boutin – Blog 2 – Alamo

When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band, he said, “Son, when you grow up would you be the savior of the broken the beaten, and the damned?” He was referencing the alamo and all the sacrifice that those who were fighting went through. He wanted me to live my life with honor and not necessarily save people in a literal sense, but do good for the world and make the most of my life. We were there because my brother had a marching competition in front of the Alamo and ever since that day, this building has meant a lot to me. The architecture is amazing because of how detailed it is. It didn’t need to be that way but they took the extra time to make it special and that was a part of why it is such an iconic building to this day.

Payton Torres, OAU Senate Building, Blog Post 8

Olajumoke Adenowon designed the OAU Senate Building for the University’s 50thAnniversary. The OAU Senate Building was built in Osun State Nigeria. This building is know for its sustainability and energy efficiency. Adenowon designed the building so that the windows will help heat and cool the inside of the building. I love the circular structure of this building as well as the white color. The designs surrounding the building itself also interest me. I like how  Adenowon incorporated two circle formations.

Blog 2 Tyler Boyd, Carnegie Hall

This is the Carnegie Hall building at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OKlahoma. This building is one of the most intricate and beautiful feats of architecture OU holds and since I am a Pre Law major most of my classes are here. WHen i first came to OU I had many classes in Dale and Physical Science and something didn’t feel right, when i changed my major and entered Carnegie classes made me happier as a whole. Though it is not the biggest building on campus and definitely not the nicest or most updated it has easily had the largest impact on me since I began to learn here.

Payton Torres, The Federal Ministry of Finance Abuja, Blog Post 7

The Federal Ministry of Finance Abuja was the first building Olajumoke Adenowon designed, at the age of 23. The building is a space used for federal offices in Abuja. The first thing I noticed when I looked at this building was the blue color of it. I really like how Adenowon used the color blue in the appearance of the building because it makes the building memorable and stand out from others. I also really like the use of windows. When a buildings main function is to provide office spaces, windows are necessary for the workers inside the building. Overall, this building is beautiful and Adenowon did a great job on her first building design.

Payton Torres, The Tent Church in Calabar, Blog Post 6

The Tent Church in Calabar was designed by the famous architecture Olajumoke Adenowon on July 18, 2010. The churchshowcases sustainable design situated in Northern Cross River in a semi-rural setting. It is considered a center for worship and a civic center.The structure of this church is a basic structure that is designed like a tent. Inside the church there is a 672-seater auditorium, alter, sacristy, changing room and store rooms. From the outside, I think this building looks very abstract. I love how Adenowon designed the building like a tent, because I can defiantly see the resemblance. If I get the chance I would love to go see the church in person.

Payton Torres, The Light Guiding Assembly, Blog Post 5

The Light Guiding Assembly is located in Ikoyi, Nigeria, and is designed by Olajumoke Adenowo. It is purpose is a place for locals to come to worship and pray. The main problem facing most church buildings is the struggle to keep their relevance. Too many religious buildings have been demolished because they weren’t relevant enough to keep. So as a solution, Olajumoke Adenowo designed the light Guiding Assembly to create a contemporary structure but multi-functional space. Something that I think is really awesome, is that the building offers houses for all employees of the church. The first thing I noticed about the building are the huge pillars. I think the pillars make this building stand out from other churches. The design of the building is beautiful and unique, and I think Adenowo designed a great building that is different than most churches.

Blog 1 Tyler Boyd, Modern Art Museum

This is the Modern Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, a building that impacted my life as a child and many years after. The entire buildings architecture represents modern art and when I was introduced to this building as a child I was extremely fascinated. Many of my childhood memories either began here or we ended up here on family outings with my grandmother as she was a school teacher. These memories are some of my fondest and inspired me to go to College and receive higher education due to the museum intellectually challenging me at a young age. This is also where everyone took Prom pictures as it is such a beautiful location.

Daniel Lee-(FJMT+Archimedia)-“Tower of Wood”-Blog #8

This office building, was inspired by, the FJMT group, which sought to design a project, that reinterprets and honors the uniqueness and the history of its specific location. Located at the edge of Sydney’s Tank-Stream (the 1st water source of the colony of New South Wales), the architects envisioned a modern and sustainable workplace. The materials that were used in this project, were inspired by embracing natural materials, such as: automated louvres of natural timber, single sheet of low iron clear glass, etc. After analyzing 4 different pieces of work by the FJMT group, I am very eager to visit Australia in the near future! Architecture is a universal interest, that is applicable to every individual.

Tapia, Daniel. “Tower of Wood: The EY Centre / Fjmt.” ArchDaily, ArchDaily, 27 June 2017,