All posts by zachawk

Bonfils Building (Joseph Foucart)

Bonfils Building is located in Guthrie, Oklahoma, and was built in 1890. This architecture is a Richardsonian Romanesque style building. This very free revival style incorporates 11th and 12th century southern French, Spanish and Italian Romanesque characteristics. This building just similar as the buildings he designed in the same time period, especially the Foucart Building, though they have different styles.

State Capital Publishing Company (Joseph Foucart)

State Capital Publishing Company Building is located in Guthrie, Oklahoma, and was built in 1902. This architecture is a commercial style building, which is just built for commercial using, to be a publishing company. He liked to use red bricks to show a special architecture style. However, there is also something different, the details, the window frames, are strongly simplified.

BLOG 1- Community Christian School

Growing up I went to public school, all the way up until my Sophomore year. Right before my Sophomore year of High School my parents decided it would be a good idea for me to go to private school so I would be out of the toxic environment that I was in at public school. At first I did not want to go to the school because I had all of my friends already and the transition would mean that I have to make all new friends. After the first few months of school I really started to enjoy it because I made so many new friends. Another thing I really liked about CCS was that I could openly talk about my faith at school without being looked at differently or seen as the “Jesus Freak”. The architecture of this building is very modern and is very pretty on the outside but the inside is just as pretty and modern. Having a school that allows a lot of natural light in really helps you enjoy the schooling.

BLOG 1- The Bizzell Memorial Library

The Bizzell in my opinion is one of the prettier buildings on campus, it is just very pleasing to look at. The Bizzell Memorial Library has been an important building in my life these past few semesters of college, it allows you to have a serious and quiet environment to do homework or study. These past few semesters I have found myself in the “biz” quite often, I try to study at home but I always seem to get distracted by something on TV or by my roommates or something of that nature. But when I come to the Biz its like all of the distractions are taken away and I can completely focus on what I am doing.

BLOG 1- 10 Gym

The gym and working out is an everyday part of my life, I love to workout and exercise, 10 gym is important to me because it is the first gym that I joined when I was in High School and still actively have a membership there and am there every single day. I like to workout because it helps me release stress from my everyday life and with school. Being able to not have to worry about anything while I am at the gym makes it feel like a second home. I have always enjoyed being active but with 10 gym they make it so much easier and it is a great environment.

BLOG 1- The Aloha Tower

Image result for the aloha tower

After my senior year of High School I went on my senior trip to Hawaii, more specifically I went to Maui, The Big Island and Oahu. But one of my favorite sights from the trip was getting to see the Aloha Tower. This Tower was not only beautiful it was also very large. The tower was built in 1926, the tower was the tallest buildings on the islands for four decades and had one of the largest clocks in the whole United States. The Tower stands at a whopping 184 ft high, plus a 40 ft flag mast. The tower is a lighthouse and is considered one of the most famous landmarks of Hawaii.

When I visited the tower I was in amazement of the sheer beauty and massiveness of it, when I went to the 10th floor observation deck I was able to see so much, you can see all of downtown Honolulu and the harbor. The sights from the observation deck were so beautiful and I did not want to leave. Seeing the beauty of the sights and the building itself is so breathtaking.