All posts by Yadira Torres

New House of Queens Park Blog 1 post 6 Yadira Torres

Adriana Natcheva (Architect) London

This next building is a whole mood of bricks and light contrasting together through glass. When I first saw the New House in Queens Park, in London it honestly reminded me of a jail. The top of the building and most of around it how long columns in box form and the gate around it is a tall brick wall which makes it look enclosed like a cell and jail all together. The rest of the structure as well as the surroundings uses complimentary materials of stone, gravel, brick, and marble to brink everything together. Another reason why this building makes me think of a modern type jail that maybe a rich person might want to do house arrest in.

I myself would not want to live in this house because it would just bring me negative feelings of being trapped inside my own grounds. However, I do like the isolation because it keeps praying eyes away and it provides one with their own privacy from the rest of the people around. They can be in their own house, in the front or backyard and not have to deal with people walking outside or neighbors who want to have meaningless conversation with you.

Cedar Mews, London Blog 1 post 5 Yadira Torres

Adriana Natcheva ( Architect)

The first building that drew my eye from this amazing architect is the Cedar Mews. This building is both made from light wood panels and long glass windows and doors. This building incorporates the thought and implementation of nature by using wood and having glass all over to see the outside. It’s a rustic simple and modern building making a statement that less is more. With less you are able to enjoy the indoors and outdoors all together in harmony. This building represents the integrity of nature by embracing it in harmony of the building.

This building makes me feel peace, a building that I would love to visit and feel the scenery of it for myself. Although for me after a while it would seem a little plan because I love a splash of color and when the seasons change the green of nature might now always be there to help brighten up the area. Nonetheless this building represents simplicity for the ones who wish to get away from technology and the hardship of life and just want a relaxing day encountered with nature and being able to soak it all up in the comfort of their own home.

Southeast High School Blog 1 Post 4 Yadira Torres

This building is my High school building which I attended for all four year from 2012 to 2016. Most of these memories bring both good and bad ones. When I first saw this building, I knew that it would mean new experiences and that it was the last step before I went to college and became the first in the family to get a degree and a diploma.

Whenever I look at this building, the only good memory I have is my success of being the first in the family to receive a high school diploma. However, most of my memories of this place are bad ones because my senior year was not a pleasant one. I lost a lot during this year, dealt with difficulties besides the ones that everyone goes through like college applications and scholarships, as well as graduations requirements. When I see this building now, I just get reminded of all the painful memories that I went through in high school and I just feel relief that I am no longer in this stage of my life. That no matter what I went through I was able to overcome it and it has made me stronger. However, if someone ever asked me if I would ever want to go back to high school I would not have to think about my response for long because my answer would be no

Sacred Heart Catholic Church Blog 1 Post 3

I have been going to Sacred Heart Church since I was a baby when my mother had to carry me in her arms so that I could listen to the words of God and follow in the path of light. This building just brings good memories to me because this is the place where my family members have gotten married, where we held baptisms, and this is also the church where I celebrated my Quinceanera.

I do not remember the first time I saw this building because I was a baby when that first happened and have bad memory. This building itself though has always made me feel safe and welcomes. I have never had a bad feeling in this building nor a bad memory. I have enjoyed all my experiences and festivals conducted at this church and I would not trade it for the world.

The Golden Dome Blog 1 Post 2 Yadira Torres

When I was little, we would go to the Asian distract to buy lbs. of fish which we would fry in our backyard and invited over family members. Even though the gesture of spending quality time with family was a lovely experience there was one thing that stood out during our drive to and back from buying the fish. The golden dome on NW 23rd street; which looks like a giant turtle shell or a Ferrero Rocher chocolate. I was mesmerized by this building as a little kid because it was the only building in that district that stood out from the rest. It had its own personality and never changed to fit in with the rests. Even to this day I go to that district and drive past it because it reminds me of the day that I decided to not be like everyone else despite looking different. That by being different I was able to shine on my own and should embrace it because people would learn to love me for those qualities. I do not recall ever having a bad experience with this building or it portray bad feelings to me. One thing that I can recall is recently learning that this building is bank; I was a little disappointed when I found this out, I expected it to be an art gallery at least.

Devon Tower Blog 1 Yadira Torres

This building is one of the new ones in downtown Oklahoma City as well as the tallest made from glass. It looks like a mirror which reflects the sun making the scenery that much brighter. I fell in love with this building because I makes me think that no matter what the day looks like the beauty of a day can be reflected through this building. That is how I felt when I first saw this building, I was having a bad day after a competition in my high school team and I had gone to the Myraid gardens to clear my mind. I had laid on the grass and looked up into the sky and seeing that building just left me breathless and I was able to forget my doubts of in life.

Recently I went to visit this building again to see it holy glory of reflection and I was sad to see that there were windows boarded up from the bottom floors, middle floors, and one at the very top. In a weird way it felt like someone had hurt the building and it was all patched up. It also brought bad feelings because a thought that maybe someone had fallen out of the windows to hurt themselves. This resulted in a very down moment for me because it was just a sad thought that came to me when looking at the building. Other that than that, this building has made a great impression in my life.