All posts by Yadira Torres

Yadira Torres – Kensington Studio (Adriana Natchevo) 2/8

Kensington Studion London

This studio also has the touch of wood into the design of the house as well as some of the furniture. This place feels like home, giving it a sense of a home instead of a studio.  This is what I like about this architect; taking a normal place meant for living in it and transforming it into a home.  A place you do not mind coming from work and enjoying the space around you. I like this place because at first glance it just looks like a regular house but in reality it is a studio. The sense is good creating a  good feeling for me. This is the type of place that people would want in their place to call home.

Yadira Torres – Apartment Primrose Hill (Adriana Natcheva) 2/7


This architect has a way of mixing modernity and rustic together to create a blending environment which truly promotes serenity and peace. The atmosphere of this apartment allows the mixture of nature and modern development. Normally when you live in an apartment your taste of nature is limited because you only rent a unit and that unit does not come with its own back yard like a house would. However, this apartment creates a part where you can enjoy a part of nature in your own apartment. A mini garden and implemented plants, as well as a wooded porch gives it a sense of being outside and having their own little garden in their own place. Regardless of the size of the porch, this mini garden is still possible. This is definitely what I wish to see in any future apartment that I may live in because I like being able to enjoy nature from the comfort of my own home.

Yadira Torres – Barns Somerset – (Adriana Natcheva) 2/6

Barns Somerset

This barn brings together the aspect of a barn very well by mixing wood and stone throughout the structure. It also has a sense of modernity from the big windows that run along a path; windows that go from top to bottom. This allows natural light to come in, allowing the barn to run from natural sources just how you would imagine a barn to do. This structure brings together everything you would think a barn should have by allowing it to have rustic feeling yet mixing modern techniques to allow better access to Eco-friendly sources. This place makes me feel that a connection between the past and present can still be made without hindering the idea of a rustic vibe of a barn. A barn should not be overrun by modernity or else it loses its value. However, this building was able to mix both of them without overwhelming the modernity into the rustic. The architect was still able to maintain the integrity of a barn and added more to create less. This is definite how the modernization of a barn should look like.

Yadira Torres – Garden Pavillon (Adriana Natcheva) 2/5

Garden Pavilion

So this Pavilion brings together the interaction of house and nature. It connects them by the long windows aligning the house allowing natural light to come in and create beautiful scenarios. The connection with nature also results inside by the walls being made out of wood. This Pavilion is has a rustic feeling that promotes a sense of peace by just being in there. It is a place where people go to get away from all the technology and just enjoy each other and be apart of nature. This is definitely a place that I would love to visit to feel the harmonies environment that it brings me by just seeing it. There is definitely no bad feelings that this place could bring. The only things that would make is scary would be to encounter a storm. A rain storm would be nice, however, if there were ever strong winds and hail, this place would just allow you to see and hear it more loudly making it seem spooky.

Yadira Torres – Oklahoma Tower – Blog 2/4

Oklahoma Tower

This is one of the tallest buildings in Oklahoma. This building has an important remembrance for me because it is probably the only actual building in Oklahoma that I have been in. I used to work in this building after hours as a janitor and I remember going through the floors admiring the design of the building. Especially the big offices; they would have amazing views of the city and had a lot of places where natural light was used. When I first saw this building I thought it was just a square looking building with nothing to say, however, once I entered I knew that each floor was meant for something and told its own story.

Yadira Torres – Seattle Public Library – Blog 2/3

Seattle Public Library

Architects – Rem Koolhaas and Joshua Prince Ramus

For this building I remember learning about it my sophmore year of College. When I first saw it, it stood out to me because it was not your typical building for a library. It was it’s own design that attracted the eye of the public and could persuade them to go inside and read. The concept of this building was to use natural lighting for the reader and enjoy the sun while reading a good book. Its the concept of urban development introduced in to a common building to make the reader aware of a space created to use natural resources. This building just makes me feel at peace because who does not enjoy a good book with great lighting. It gives the sense of a spotlight while reading which makes it feel amazing.

Yadira Torres – Basilica De La Sagrada Familia – Blog2/2

Basilica De La Sagrada Familia – Antoni Gaudi

This structure has been in construction since 1882 and is set to be finished in 2030s. Generations have come and gone during the construction of this building which holds so much grace and history.  This place hold years of art and families keeping it together to realize the vision that the architecture had. This piece of art tells a story through its walls and designs. This building is a live representation of the bible and the stories it tells.

Every since I was a little girl I have always wanted to travel to Europe and visit all the amazing places that have been created through out history as well as taste amazing foods from other countries.  Barcelona is one of the many places I wish to travel and the Basilica just makes me want to travel even more. This structure just holds a place in my mind because it is a representation of religion/art/culture/ and dedication all into one. It’s a beacon of hope for all surroundings and it just has an amazing atmosphere that I want to be a part of.  Looking at this structure just symbolizes the creations we can make throughout time; structures meant to last and tell stories.

Yadira Torres – Philbrook Museum Blog 2/1

Philbrook Museum

This building is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma and it used to be a mansion for a family before it was redesigned as an art museum with expansive gardens. This building brings great memories because this was the place that we went to visit for our first family trip. We all like the outdoors and enjoying nature views and this place has it all. We were also able to see great art and do some learning.

Philbrook Museum just holds great culture and history all together. You get a sense of being transported to a different era and a different life the second you arrive at this place. The best thing to do is to  stand on the terrace and just start out into the gardens. It is truly a magical place.

Esther House Blog 1 Post 8 Yadira Torres

Adriana Natcheva (architect) London

The Esther house was my favorite of the buildings created by this architect because this building brings together my roots. The combination of concrete walls, gravel backyard, and the integration of wood and big windows is a connection to me of houses from Mexico and modern houses from The United States. I was born here, however, I am Mexican because of my parents and in Mexico my family lived in houses with big concrete windows and gravel instead of grass. The contrast of wood and big windows brings the aspect of classical and modern aesthetic from The United States which integrates flavor into the buildings.

This combination just made me feel at home with a single photo and brought fond memories. This building alone does not make me feel a negative way nor does it bring bad memories. It just makes me reflect on my past and my memories of Mexico and how I long to go back and visit. Again, the integration of the windows allows natural lighting to come in which can bounce of from the concrete walls allowing it to light up the inside of the house

Warren Houes Blog 1 post 7 Yadira Torres

Adriana Natcheva (Architect) London

This house is a black and white picture come to life with it’s white and black texture brick. What I have notices about these designs is that the emphasize is in the windows because the designer is trying to incorporate not only a view of the outside by the integration of it as well as natural lighting created a dimension of light and reflection through the placement of the windows. My first impression of this building was a throwback because it reminded me of a black and white photo. This makes the building seem like it has long history and should be given a second look when walking past it. But this building look more of an office corporation type of building rather than a house. Although I do love the setting of the black and white with light boxes surrounding the windows in different angles, this building screams corporation type of space.