All posts by tylertadlock

Barns Somerset

Adriana uses natural materials in the things she designs and renovates, and it keeps the building and the surrounding area full off beauty. I really love the architects use of wood and stone with each other. She makes such old materials and practices look so modern and elegant.

Cedar Mews London

This piece is where I realized the architect’s affinity for wood and how she uses natural looking wood to show off a building’s beauty. I really enjoy working with wood myself and I appreciate how hard it is to make wood look good on a mass scale like that.


New House Hampstead

In this house designed by Adriana Natcheva you can see her almost minimalist style that’s very modern. That’s seen by the exposed studs and the framing for the front window. The plane door seems like she is trying to bring in the simplicity of the beauty of architecture.

Tyler Tadlock – Blog 4 – Independence Hall

Independence Hall is a building that sticks my inner patriot and enforced the reason why I joined the military. Being able to see independence hall was a really cool experience because its where the footings were poured for the foundation of this country. The architecture is Gregorian and its set up like the White House with a main building then two halls on each side that have there purposes one side was the court room. the other side is the second picture where all of the congressman for the 13 colonies met and where the Declaration of Independence was signed into action. The chair pictured is where George Washington sat to lead these early meetings that lead to the creation of everything we now have.

Tyler Tadlock – Blog 3 – The Colosseum


The Colosseum was much different than I was expecting it to look. For one less of the sides were there that I was expecting and none of the arena floor really was left. I actually preferred that the ground was missing it allowed us to see into the animal cages and where all of the high tech theatrics of the day where hidden. this was one of the most high tech structures of the day, with the trap doors and the awnings that people today still don’t know exactly how they worked. As you can see we entered in the same way the gladiators would have entered and as I said in my last post if you take into account the history of where you stand I walked in the footsteps of celebrities of there day an emperor or two and sadly the last steps many people ever took. Being in there it was also much smaller than I was expecting it is said that they re staged an entire navel battle in there one time flooded the arena and everything. When walking in it seems very hard to believe they could fit any ships in there but they did it.

Tyler Tadlock – Blog 2 – The Pantheon

The Pantheon is a wonder to me because when I look at it I find it almost unbelievable, When you take into account the dome and the concrete and the techniques used it would be hard enough to do today. When you consider that it was done 2000 plus years ago it blows my mind. The inside looks so good still even after all these years of being rained in you can’t really spot any erosion that would normally be present. The light being funneled through open top of the dome creates an almost religious experience as it spotlights on the different religious or other paintings on the walls around the building as the sun moves across the sky. I think if you are truly aware of where you are and those that have been there before than a building that has stood for as long and through such important times as the pantheon than I think it will always give its guest an awe about it.

Tyler Tadlock – Blog 1 – Prague Castle

Prague Castle was one of the most amazing and mysterious buildings I have ever been in. After a month studying abroad in Italy freshman year I went to Prague to get on my flight home. I was waiting there for three days so I decided I would walk around the city. The castle was amazing it was a sprawling expanse of connected  buildings that all shared in the classic Chech style and in the center of the palace is this church. you walk through this small corridor (I assume to make you feel constricted) then it opens right in front of the two big towers on the right of the photo above. I hope you can see it in this attached video ED3D38A5-EAB6-4542-9CDB-DD7BEDAD144E. The mystery comes from me being alone, because of that I didn’t know anything about the building or its history I could really only take in the architecture itself. which was very different than Italy where I was where we were walked around these buildings and told the significance of every little thing.