All posts by trinity.618

Walter Gropius Blog 4

Siemensstadt Large Housing Estate

The Siemensstadt large housing estate, also known as Ring Settlement, was constructed in the 1930s by Walter Gropius, Otto Bartning and other architectures. The settlement was originally used to create small apartments for low-income employees working for Siemens’ nearby electric company. All the rooms had a lot in common with standard apartment layout and uniform room sizes. At the time, a lot of public housing projects were produced under government cooperative Gehag sponsorships. Siemensstadt was constructed by a private housing cooperative. The shape of the settlement was a turning point in urban thinking too. It had individual gardens and favored much denser multi-story apartment blocks. Located in Berlin, the Ring settlement is now a nonprofit residential community.


Siemensstadt large housing estate, Berlin

Walter Gropius Blog 3

Bauhaus Building

The Bauhaus building was a German art school operational from 1919 to 1933 that combined crafts and the fine arts. It’s known today worldwide as the symbol of “white modernism”.  It evokes the image of white, cubic, and abstract buildings. Since operations could no longer be held due to budget cuts by the government, Bauhaus left its founding site in Weimar. The building has a glass outer shell, revealing the inside and the construction. It also is arranged a clear separation of functions between working, studying, and living. Today the Bauhaus building can be visited daily. It offers overnight accommodation in faithfully restored rooms.

Bauhaus building, Dessau-Roßlau

Walter Gropius Blog 2

Dammerstock Housing Estate

The Dammerstock Housing Estate is a residential area built in 1929 as a model settlement of social housing in just seven months. Its located in Germany and was designed by Walter Gropius and Otto Haesler. The model presented to the public was called the “Utility Apartment.” It targeted middle and lower-income bracket groups because the apartment was small with modern sanitary facilities. its facade design is recognizable because of the bright white plasters, flat roofs, and uniform window sizes. The apartments had not only an arcade but restaurants as well. It wasn’t until the 1950s that the building was finished. It’s still completed inhabited today!

Dammerstocksiedlung, Karslruhe: exterior view

Walter Gropius Blog 1

Fagus Factory

The Fagus Factory is a shoe last enterprise. A shoe last is a 3-dimensional wooden or plastic mold upon which a shoe is constructed. The factory was designed by Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer.   The factory was built in 1911 and its construction was finished completely until 1925. The Fagus Factory is located in Germany and was built to represent modern architecture. Modern architecture is based on new technologies of constructions and embraces minimalism.  The factory ranks as one of the masterpieces of modern architecture. At first glance, a lot of people believe the building was made of concrete or steel because of the glass facade. The glass facade is what gives it the minimalistic look.

Trinity Hudson- Happy Joe’s Pizza- Blog 4

I am most excited to talk about Happy Joe’s Pizza that is located in Iowa over by Bettendorf.  Bettendorf is about a two-hour drive from my dads hometown, Chicago. My uncle was telling me how when he and my dad were younger, they got stupid drunk and started to seriously crave pizza. So they did what any responsible teenager would. They took my grandpas’ car and drove it two hours to Bettendorf to try the famous Taco pizza that Happy Joes had advertised on a radio station. After stuffing their beer guts with scrumptious taco pizza, they arrived back home in the same night thinking they accomplished a perfect prison break from my grandpa’s house. However, my dad forgot to put back the gumball machine that he stole from Happy Joes and was found by my grandpa, cuddling it on the living room floor with my uncle. After hearing this story and realizing why we have a random gumball machine in our attack, it was only fair we all traveled to his home town to return it. This was the first personal connection I ever had with my dad considering he was a macho- military man who felt he needed to seclude all of his emotions and childhood memories to himself.  The building is very vintage and has a very friendly atmosphere. Not to mention the taco pizza is to die for.  Seeing my dad for the first time show genuine happiness was the greatest feeling I had ever felt. The establishment also had a gaming area where you could win prizes with tickets you received and a playground where my dad would take balls from the ball pit and chuck them at me. If it wasn’t for the harsh winters, Chicago would be my future home area. However, I will be going back soon for the delicious taco pizza and to check on the returned gumball machine that we discretely put back.


Trinity Hudson- Santikos Theatre Palladium- Blog 3

Santikos Palladium is a massive theatre in San Antonio Texas. It exists as a for-profit company that gives back to non-profits in San Antonio such as donations, sponsorships, grants, and overall benefits the lives of the whole community. Walking into this theatre is something you can’t even describe. Not only are there movie rooms but there is also a dining area, a bar, a gelato stand, a bowling alley, and an arcade. Going to the movies is a childhood memory that I’ll forever cherish. It was a routine every Friday to go see a film even before my stepmom came into my life and it was just me and my dad. My dad and I agreed that Santikos was the best theatre we ever started going to. It was the first time I ever walked into a building and was taken back by how it was built. I found myself questioning how they made certain pieces fit the way they did. The outside gave off very greek style vibes and the inside had so many different designs that complimented each other so appeasingly. This building is the one place I can not wait to go with my dad when we visit home. It brings back so many good memories.


Trinity Hudson- Sea World- Blog 2

Sea World is an aquatic amusement park in San Antonio Texas. It is part of the top 10 attractions in Texas that provides people with more knowledge of marine life. Though the park voluntarily canceled showings of killer whales in 2016 to prevent animal suffering and unethical captivity, Sea world still offers many other fun activities.  When I went there, it was mandatory in my family that we ride all of the rides, including the horrifying roller coasters. The scariest one was the Steel Eel. We were not allowed to do anything else in the park until I rode it and in the very front. After nearly vomiting on everyone behind me, my family and I would enjoy the other marine life in the aquatic rooms. There were fishes of all kinds in these huge aquariums. Being an animal lover, this sight was breathtaking every time. They had another park called Aquatica that was a water park. There are different parts of the park such as a kid’s area and insanely big water slides. Sea World was the best place to go when I was a kid. When I think of the times my family and I would go, I would remember how simpler things use to be. I would think about how my childhood and how happy my family was when spending time together.  If you’re ever in texas, go to Sea World.


Trinity Hudson-The Alamo-Blog 1

The Alamo is in San Antonio, Texas. It is a historic site built in the 1700s as a home to Spanish missionaries. Over time it turned into a fort for Spanish soldiers. In 1835, a brutal battle between Texans and their fight for independence from Mexico took place. The monument still stands today and has many artifacts to see. it is actually under reconstruction so I’m excited to see what they add or change. Any true Texan feels uplifted when entering the Alamo. Its a sense of pride, almost like the patriotic feeling some get about being an American but times ten. Its how I felt. When I first visited it, I couldn’t believe a building so old was still standing. After reading articles and facts I became overwhelmed with the amount of information. I will admit upon first arrival, it’s much smaller than expected. I left there feeling the mark that Texan soldiers left on Texas. I highly recommend watching the film, “The Alamo” before visiting the historic site.