All posts by TheJohn

John Daniel – Stuttgart Residences (by Richard Meier) – Blog 8

This building is called Stuttgart Residences and and is located in Stuttgart, Germany. I think it is interesting how closely placed to the road it is but because it is elevated above the road it has some boundary between the building and passing cars. I like the front facing view of the building in the image below where you can see just how the building’s components are vertically stacked. I admire how having the building on top of the garage saves real estate space. The horizontal lines that run parallel with each other and the vertical lines that also run parallel with each other give the building a clean square look.

John Daniel – The Summer House (by Richard Meier) – Blog 7

These buildings are named “The Summer Houses” and located in Jesolo, Italy. They look like one of the best places a summer could be spent hence the name.  My two favorite things about these buildings are how the balconies are layered on each floor and wrap fully around the building and the location. The Summer Houses are located in walking distance of the beach (see image below).  With these buildings Meier designed an amazing vacation destination. You can’t tell in the pictures but on Richard Meier’s website you can find out that the buildings include amenities such as a gym, a spa, with a lap-pool, sauna, and steam room, all oriented south with a view of the sea. If you don’t feel like swimming in the sea then you can relax in the in ground pool surrounded by green gardens.

John Daniel – Oxfordshire Residence (by Richard Meier) – Blog 6

This is the Oxfordshire Residence located in England. This might be one of the coolest looking houses I’ve ever seen. I think that the all white coloring of it gives it a very clean and sophisticated look. I also find it aesthetically pleasing how the horizontal roof runs almost perfectly parallel with with the ground. I think that one of the best parts about getting to live in the house is all of the natural sunlight that you’d receive. There is a concern of privacy with all of the windows but that concern is negated when you look at the isolated location of the house (see image below). The interior of the house is just as clean as the outside.

John Daniel – Torre Cuarzo on Reforma (by Richard Meier) – Blog 5

When browsing through Richard Meier’s online portfolio this project was the first to catch my eye. It is located in Mexico city and call “Torre Cuarzo on Reforma” which translates to “Quartz Tower on Reformation”. There are 3 main features to this building that I really like.

The first feature being that you can see the white structural skeleton of the building through the transparent glass.

The second feature being the open air corner of the building that is opened up with no glass windows but still has white columns

The third feature being how proud the tower stands compared to its surroundings. The tower looks like a strong vertical entity on the landscape.

John Daniel – Edison High School- Blog 4

This was the high school I attended and graduated from. Both of my older sisters, all my cousins, my aunt & my mom all attended this high school as well. I made a few really close friends from my time attending this school and I plan to be in touch with them for the rest of my life. I value this building as it is a family tradition to go to here and it gave me some good friendships. A large part of who I am today was shaped in my time here.

John Daniel – Walker tower – Blog 3

I lived in walker tower my freshman year and I miss it. A lot of people complained about the dorms at OU, but I loved the year that I lived in walker tower. I liked the simplicity of having everything I own in one dresser. I liked the exciting experiences of freshman year. It was very convenient living across the street from the gym and the dining hall. I made a lot of good memories in my dorm and I associate it with the excitement of my freshman year of college.

John Daniel – St. Pius X – Blog 2

This is the Church that my family attended when I was a child. I always admired the circular design of the building .  When I was a little kid and bored in mass I would spend a lot of time examining the stain glass windows that encompass the building. The building holds value to me as my family has been attending mass there for a long time. It is where my parents got married and where my grandmother’s funeral service was held. Even though I’m not a very religious man, this building will always have value to me from my family’s history with it.

John Daniel- 10GYM East Tulsa- Blog 1

Tulsa gym 10GYM - East Tulsa

My first blog is over this 10GYM in East Tulsa. As you can see there is nothing brilliant about it’s architecture as it is just a big box of a building. It is located in a little shopping center next to a thrift store. I have been a member of this inexpensive corporate chain gym for about 5 years. It holds meaning to me as I look back to when I first started going and notice how so much has changed.  I believe it serves as a good reminder to myself of how much I have changed in the past 5 years. This gym building reminds me of the physical strength that I have gained over time but also how much I have changed as an individual.