All posts by Solomon House

BLOG 8 – Solomon House – Eliel Saarinen (Cranbrook Educational Community)

The Cranbrook Educational Community is a multi-complex located in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. It consists of schools, an art museum, a science institute, and Cranbrook House and Gardens. The chief architect was Eliel Saarinen. The Cranbrook Educational Community is declared a National Historic Landmark. Cranbrook is renowned for its architecture and this is debatably the biggest reason. This complex attracts thousands of people every year to admire the architecture as well as actually attend the schools and institutes. According to some sources, this was Eliel Saarinen’s most proud accomplishment of his architecture career.

BLOG 7 – Solomon House – Eliel Saarinen (National Museum of Finland)

The National Museum of Finland is another one of Eliel Saarinen’s staple pieces of work. The ceiling exhibits frescoes in a Kalevala them which are mural paintings on limestone which can be seen without an entrance fee.

The building itself is designed in such a way that it resembles Finland’s medieval churches and castles. This kind of architecture belongs to a genre of architecture referred to as national romanticism. It underwent construction from 1905-1910 but didn’t officially open until 1916. It was given the name The Finnish National Museum in celebration of Finland’s independence in 1917.

BLOG 6 – Solomon House – Eliel Saarinen (Kleinhans Music Hall)

Kleinhans Music Hall is a concert venue located in Buffalo, New York. It is known for its exceptional acoustic excellence and its modern take on elegant architecture.

The hall takes on a parabolic shape and is designed in such a way that the audience in the back and top rows will have as clear and instantaneous auditory experience as the first rows. The building’s simple design and color schemed are made in such a way as not to take away or distract the audience from getting the full experience of the performance with ornate decorations. This building was completed in 1940 and in 1989 it was declared a National Historic Landmark for its architecture.

BLOG 5 – Solomon House – Eliel Saarinen (Christ Church Lutheran )

Christ Church Lutheran is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was designed by the father and son firm Saarinen and Saarinen which was Eliel and his son Eero Saarinen. This was Eliel’s last completed building. This building was deemed a masterpiece and was an early example of modern religious architecture as well as paved the way and provided inspiration for many churches to come after. In 1977, the church was the 8th recipient to receive the American Institute of Architects Twenty-Five Year Award and only the 2nd religious building to be given this honor. It is still an extremely popular destination for lovers of Architecture to this day and can be toured in order to experience in detail all the aspects of this building that make it a classic.

BLOG 4 – Solomon House – AT&T Stadium

Image result for at&t stadium dallas

AT&T Stadium is where I went to my first NFL game. It is significant to me because not only was it my first NFL game experience, but also it an amazing architectural structure. I remember how in awe I was simply because of how massive the building actually is. I remember looking around and wondering how do you even begin to plan and coordinate the construction of something like that. The number of people it could hold and all of the surrounding monitors and screens truly amazed me.

Image result for at&t stadium dallas

The experience also has some negative memories tied to it because Dallas lost that game. I remember leaving the game a little upset because of that but it still all in all it was a very good memorable experience.

BLOG 3 – Solomon House – Mitch Park YMCA

The Mitch Park YMCA opened in 2014 and is absolutely beautiful in my opinion. I went here quite a bit and have good memories of making friends and having fun. I love the aesthetic of the building and also the surroundings. All the windows and curvy design of the building make it look very modern as well as give it a great view of all the running trails surrounded by green trees and grassy areas.

That part of Edmond has seen a lot of business developments built recently as well so everything surrounding the YMCA is fairly new. This makes the area very attractive for all kinds of people and created a great atmosphere for hanging out, being active, and meeting new people.

BLOG 2 – Solomon House – Piazza Grande

Two summers ago I visited Italy and I specifically loved the Piazza Grande. This was the first time I had been out of the country as well as my first time seeing these different styles of architecture in person. I remember being in the middle of the Piazza Grande and feeling like I was in a movie. I had seen pictures of it before but seeing it all firsthand was truly breathtaking. There was something about the whole experience that made me see architecture different and if I’m being honest I don’t feel like I truly appreciated architecture until after this experience.

BLOG 1 – Solomon House – Lissa and Cy Wagner Hall

Lissa and Cy Wagner Hall was the first building I visited as well as had my first class as an incoming freshman at OU. I have positive memories tied to it as I remember the feeling of excitement and anxiousness inside this building knowing that my college career was about to begin. I have always loved the aesthetic of OU’s campus, but this was the first building I remember noticing in detail.

The colors, textures, and artistic way it was decorated on the inside made me fall in love with it. Now, I hardly ever go inside, but in passing, I look at it and it’s like all the emotion and memories come flooding back and I can still remember exactly what it felt like those four-ish years ago.