All posts by smit0358

Preston Smith/Blog 2/Post 4: Pastor Van Ars Church

Pastor Van Ars Church was very modern for its time and is to this day. It is rare to come across a building like this especially when it was completed in 1969. Aldo Van Eyck was influenced by structuralism and included a very spacious and  innovative gothic feel. Its outside is constructed from solely gray concrete blocks  and the church doesn’t have a tower at all.

Preston Smith/Blog 2/Post 3: Het Pentagon

Theo Bosch collaborated with Aldo Van Eyck to design the Het Pentagon. It won a competition organized by the municipality. It was completed in 1983 and was named the Het Pentagon for its Pentagonal shape. The Het Pentagon was a living space for many Amsterdam residents. The facades are very irregular in shape and have many different colors on every side of the building.

Preston Smith/Blog 2/Post 2: Tripolis

Aldo Van Eyck’s Tripolis sits directly south of his orphanage project. It was a world renowned office building. It was finished in 1994 but is recently undergoing renovation and expansion by a dutch firm called MVRDV. Its going to be changed to Tripolis park and be home to many companies such as Uber. It is scheduled to be completed in 2022. The renovation will make sure the building’s signature wood and granite facades remain in tact.

Preston Smith/Blog 2/Post 1: Burgerweeshuis





Aldo Van Eyck designed Burgerweeshuis as an orphanage and community feel for kids outside of Amsterdam in 1960.  It included sleeping quarters, a kitchen, a gymnasium, library, and administrative rooms. It is Van Eyck’s vision of balance in community. This design earned him recognition from other architects internationally and he got to establish his humanistic virtues within the project. The building held a capacity of 125 children.

Preston Smith/Blog 1/ Post 4: Texas Motor Speedway

The Texas Motor Speedway is a very fun environment. Not only do they host world-class races, but they utilize the facility in other ways as well. This past winter I drove through the speedway while the entire racetrack was decorated thoroughly with Christmas lights. I have also attended formal dinners in the Speedway Club pictured above. I love how it is very family friendly and welcoming at all times throughout the year.

Preston Smith/Blog 1/Post 3: Price Hall

Price Hall is a building I go in and out of almost every day of the week. It symbolizes professionalism and education to me. Most faculty members are very open minded and welcome you with open arms. The students as well: it is home to numerous organizations that want to better your professionalism and networking abilities as well as bettering your academic career.  Price Hall creates for an amazing learning environment that promotes various professional and academic opportunities. 

Preston Smith/Blog 1/Post 2: The Perot Museum

I’ve been to the Perot Museum numerous times. Whether it be a school field trip or an outing with friends or family, it’s a perfect place to spend your day. It’s a fun and educational experience for all ages. Each floor is a different exhibit, from dinosaurs, to sports science, to outer space. One of my favorite spots in the museum is the staircase that overlooks the Dallas Skyline that is visible from the picture posted above. Another one of my favorite spots in the museum is a stair case that with each stair with was a different piano key that sounded with each step you took. I feel like I learn something new each time I go and this is one of my favorite spots in Dallas.  

Preston Smith/Blog 1/Post 1: AT&T Stadium

I’ve been to AT&T Stadium a couple of times. One was for the 2014 NCAA Basketball National Championship. It was my first time at the stadium. UCONN beat Kentucky in an entertaining showdown.
In 2018, my senior prom was held there.  The ambiance is very nice and versatile. It can be transformed from a significant sporting event to a nice dinner and party venue in a matter of a day. I loved the stadium. It also is home to one of the biggest jumbotrons in America and is perfect for concerts as well.