All posts by Scott Fisher

SCOTT FISHER – Blog 1 – [Post 4] – Walt Disney Concert Hall

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This building is in LA California. I went with my family on a trip and we walked inside and around the outside of the building. It is a spectacular building in terms of how it is shaped. The building is very distinct in the fact that there aren’t many buildings by it or in the world that are similar.  A memorable experience I had with this building was that there were people taking their wedding pictures outside of the building when we were walking up to it. I wasn’t sure exactly why, but I figured that they must love Disney!

Scott Fisher – Blog 1 – [post 3] – Gampel Pavillion

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This building is Gampel Pavilion. This is the gym that UConn Basketball plays in for home games. Sometimes the men’s team play in the XL center in Hartford. This building was a part of my life growing up because I watched a lot of basketball games here and I also went to UConn basketball camps where we played inside of this building. Everytime I played here I always thought it was really cool because college basketball players practiced there. The stadium feel really made it seem like a giant deal when I was younger.

SCOTT FISHER – Blog 1 – [post 2] – Sagrada Familia

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The Sagrada Familia was one of the buildings that stood out to me the most in my life in terms of being visibly outstanding. I took a trip to Spain for spring break with my high school class. My teacher always talked about how the Sagrada Familia was on the itinerary and it was a must see. In person the building looks more like what I would picture a castle to look like. This building is important to me because it is one of the most memorable places I visited in Spain. I chose this picture because it is very similar to the first view I had of the building although there were birds in the pond when I saw it.

SCOTT FISHER – Blog 1 – [post 1] – Star Hill Athletic Center

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Star Hill was a place that had a positive impact in my life growing up. There are two basketball courts, a track, and turf fields for soccer. Growing up I had soccer and basketball games and practices there with various teams in the facility. My friends and I would also go here to play sports on our own. The building was always really interesting to me because it is a giant dome structure and contains all the sports amenities inside. This allows for year round use even when given bad weather conditions.