All posts by Philip Lyles

Philip Lyles Blog 8, Caser Pelli’s National Museum of Art

Unlike most of Pelli’s work in supertowers, his creation of the National Museum of Art in Osaka, Japan is a very different and unique architectural masterpiece done by Pelli. The construction actually began three levels underground, based on strict geometry that is expressed in the form and silhouette of the towers. The museum presents an explosive, amorphous facade, completely free of geometric constraints of any kind. The museum was mainly dedicated to holding contemporary art collections to attract the public and tourists from other countries. The limitations of the area were the main cause of why the museum had to be built underground at the start. The area is crisscrossed by several underground streams, calling for triple-layered concrete walls reaching 3 meters in thickness. This smart architecture allows for protection against earthquakes and general moisture that forms underground.

Philip Lyles Blog 7, Caser Pelli’s Unicredit Tower

Like many other wonderful constructions, another supertower architectural masterpiece by Pelli is the Unicredit Tower. Located in Milan, Italy, this tower began construction in 2003 and was completed around 2012. The headquarters of the tower is a complex of three towers. The tower spirals upward, with the asymmetrical main tower being culminated in a sculptural, stainless steel spire. However, like the two smaller towers, the building is clad in reflective glass. The narrow, curved forms of this encloses Piazza Gae Aulenti, a new public space recently introduced to the tower. When you look at the tower from the street level, the tower are in fact clad in stone. And, around the piazza, a ring-shaped canopy connects the podiums of the three towers. Extending the plaza is a public space with several eating places and public shops that attract the public well.

Philip Lyles Blog 6, Caser Pelli’s Salesforce Tower

Another wonderful architectural masterpiece that Pelli constructed was the salesforce tower in San Fransisco, California. The elegant building joins 18 other supertowers as the only ones standing 300 meters or taller. In San Fransisco, the building towers above all others in the area, allowing for the tower’s blue glass and integrated sunshades gleam over the city for an amazing sight. The tower’s slim, but slightly inflated form sharply contrasts San Fransisco’s 1980s era skylines. The towers structure was build on the focus of stability and sustainability. Integrated metal sunshades in the tower allow for maximizing lights and views to the outside, while at the same time reducing solar gain. As far as the glass, the tower contains low-emission glass to reduce the building cooling load, making it extremely efficient. The 1.1 billion dollar tower is still being finished to house over 5000 employees, as a boom for employment in a popular city like San Fransisco.

Salesforce Tower / Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects | Tower building ...

Philip Lyles Blog 5, Caser Pelli’s Sevilla Tower

The Sevilla Tower, constructed by Caser Pelli, is a tall, 180 meter building with 37 stories to it. The construction started in 2008 in the south of Cartuja Island. the base of the tower is formed by a raised plinth, with two ribbon-shaped buildings, which is mainly devoted to business centre-like offices. Within the space between the two raised plinths is an elongated north to south square, which are surrounded by public establishments such as restaurants and different types of stores. The roofs of the building are landscaped with vegetation to control the thermal inertia of the building. The facade enclosure is done in this building by modular aluminum-framed glass curtain walls with solar protection consisting of a triple system of vertical and horizontal parasols.



Centro Comercial Torre Sevilla (Seville) - 2020 All You Need to ...

Blog 4- Philip Lyles- Van Gough Museum

This blog is related to the Van Gough Museum in Amsterdam, which has influenced me in a positive manner. This museum has meaning to me because my mother’s side of the family is from the Netherlands, and they would frequently take me here when I would visit in the summer or over a school break.

This meaning affected me in a way that it showed me both a different type of architecture, which the building has, and a different type of culture within the architecture at a very young age. The encounter was one in that I visited it and explored it slowly, as I also took in the works of art inside the building along with the architecture of the building itself. My thoughts and feelings towards it at the time were astonishment because it was a very new style of architecture to me.




Image result for Van Gogh Museum

Blog 3- Philip Lyles- Christ Chapel Bible Church

Christ Chapel Bible Church, which was my church back home growing up, influenced me in a very positive manner by showing me outstanding architecture, building my spiritual foundation, and building relationships with other people that have lasted a long time.

The meaning of this building was a sense of closeness and community. The architecture related to this building was a more modern type of architecture. My thoughts and feeling related towards this experience was a good one, because it made me feel at home and built long term relationships with friends that I still have today.




Christ Chapel Poster featuring the photograph Christ Chapel Bible Church by Greg Kopriva


Blog 2- Philip Lyles- The National Archive

The National Archive building is one of my favorite architectural works of art ever done. My family and I visited Washington D.C. for the first time in my life this past summer, and all of these buildings could be on this list as they all have beautiful architectural taste to them. The meaning of this building to me really just represents one word, “history”. The style of the material of the building shows how old it is, the old style of the pillars makes it look like a powerful and important building, and the mere size of it is astonishing as well. The way it affected me was it really made me appreciate how well the architecture was associated with the building, and the detail of the entire building.
The encounter that I had when I first visited this building was astonishing. As it was the first of the major building in D.C. that I visited, the large size and detail of the building caught me off guard almost. My thoughts and feelings towards this experience of visiting the national archive were happiness and satisfaction. I thought it was nice to be able to experience a very rare and distinct type of architecture and to study and understand the meanings behind this wonderful piece of architecture.

Image result for national archive building

Blog 1- Philip Lyles- The Biz

Even though this is a very common building for this assignment, the biz library does have a lot of meaning to me. The meaning of this building represents hard work and results. My success in school has been in part due to this biz, because of the wonderful environment and the amazing things they offer to create the perfect study environment for me. The way that it affected me was it gave me a sense of belonging and calmness because the building is very well layed out and gives you a large sense of comfort right when you walk in.
My encounter and experience with this building are not always the best going in, because i know I am going in to study. However, my feelings leaving the library give me a feeling and sense of satisfaction because I had put in the work and got the results that I worked towards.


Image result for biz norman library