All posts by paytontorres

Payton Torres, OAU Senate Building, Blog Post 8

Olajumoke Adenowon designed the OAU Senate Building for the University’s 50thAnniversary. The OAU Senate Building was built in Osun State Nigeria. This building is know for its sustainability and energy efficiency. Adenowon designed the building so that the windows will help heat and cool the inside of the building. I love the circular structure of this building as well as the white color. The designs surrounding the building itself also interest me. I like how  Adenowon incorporated two circle formations.

Payton Torres, The Federal Ministry of Finance Abuja, Blog Post 7

The Federal Ministry of Finance Abuja was the first building Olajumoke Adenowon designed, at the age of 23. The building is a space used for federal offices in Abuja. The first thing I noticed when I looked at this building was the blue color of it. I really like how Adenowon used the color blue in the appearance of the building because it makes the building memorable and stand out from others. I also really like the use of windows. When a buildings main function is to provide office spaces, windows are necessary for the workers inside the building. Overall, this building is beautiful and Adenowon did a great job on her first building design.

Payton Torres, The Tent Church in Calabar, Blog Post 6

The Tent Church in Calabar was designed by the famous architecture Olajumoke Adenowon on July 18, 2010. The churchshowcases sustainable design situated in Northern Cross River in a semi-rural setting. It is considered a center for worship and a civic center.The structure of this church is a basic structure that is designed like a tent. Inside the church there is a 672-seater auditorium, alter, sacristy, changing room and store rooms. From the outside, I think this building looks very abstract. I love how Adenowon designed the building like a tent, because I can defiantly see the resemblance. If I get the chance I would love to go see the church in person.

Payton Torres, The Light Guiding Assembly, Blog Post 5

The Light Guiding Assembly is located in Ikoyi, Nigeria, and is designed by Olajumoke Adenowo. It is purpose is a place for locals to come to worship and pray. The main problem facing most church buildings is the struggle to keep their relevance. Too many religious buildings have been demolished because they weren’t relevant enough to keep. So as a solution, Olajumoke Adenowo designed the light Guiding Assembly to create a contemporary structure but multi-functional space. Something that I think is really awesome, is that the building offers houses for all employees of the church. The first thing I noticed about the building are the huge pillars. I think the pillars make this building stand out from other churches. The design of the building is beautiful and unique, and I think Adenowo designed a great building that is different than most churches.

Payton Torres, Micheal F. Price College of Business, Blog Post 4

This is the Michael F. Price College of Business building at the University of Oklahoma. The College of Business was founded in 1917 and currently has over 3,200 students. Price offers 11 different majors to its students. Starting my freshman year, I always knew I wanted to study accounting. Towards the end of freshman year, I had my first class in the Price building as a business student. As I walked in, it made me feel accomplished and ready to become a business women. Price is defiantly my favorite building at OU because it represents my future. As a junior, I have almost all my classes in this building, so I am at Price almost every day. I also like to study in Price when I have a class there later that day. As regards to the physical appearance of the building, I love it. I fascinated with the red tone of the building. I also really like the water fountain at the entrance of Price. Overall, I would say Price is the building that I will look back at that represented my time here at OU.

Payton Torres, Pi Beta Phi, Blog Post 3

This is the Pi Beta Phi Sorority house in Norman Oklahoma. Pi Beta Phi was built in 1958 and is the home to 91 members of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. My freshman year of college I decided I wanted to join a sorority. As I went through recruitment I choose to be a part of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Going through recruitment, the Pi Beta Phi house was my favorite and was ultimately a deciding factor into which sorority I wanted to join. This house really stood out in my eyes because of the traditional style sorority house with the tall pillars in the front. I loved the lawn and the red brick color of the house as well. This building is so special to me because I got to live in it my sophomore year of college with 90 of my best friends. My friends and my favorite things to do in the house was sit on the couches downstairs and just talk for hours. We made so many memories in this house that I will never forget. This building will always have a special place in my heart.

Payton Torres, Notre Dame, Blog Post 2

This is the Notre Dame building in Paris. The Notre dame is considered a catholic cathedral, and was finished being built in 1260. The cathedral is one of the most widely recognized symbols of the city of Paris and the French nation. Last summer, my family and I vacationed to Paris, and the Notre Dame was my favorite building that we toured. At my fist glimpse of the building I was in awe. I noticed the structure of this building was so detailed and so different to anything I had seen before. My family and I decided to walk into the building to get a better look. The inside of the Notre Dame was unbelievable. Candles were lit everywhere and there were so many people inside, looking at all the rare symbols on the walls. My favorite part about the inside of this building was the lighting. There were so many different uses of natural lighting inside the building that really interested me. Overall, the Notre Dame cathedral was one of my favorite buildings that I have gotten a chance to see in person, and I recommend it to anyone who may find their selves in Paris.

Payton Torres, Bizzell Memorial Library, Blog Post 1

This is the Bizzell Memorial Library. The students that go to the University of Oklahoma refer to this building as the “Biz” when talking about it. The Biz is a five story brick structure located in the center of OU’s campus. The biz was built in 1927 and it is the main place on campus OU graduate and undergraduate students go to study or do homework. The first time I saw the biz I was so surprised with how unique looking it was. The design of the building is very intricate makes me feel joyful to look at and admire. The biz is a special place in my eyes because I am studying at the biz at least three times every week. The biz makes me feel relaxed and calm when I am doing homework or studying for a test. The one thing I like about the biz the most is that there are so many different places in the biz that you can go to depending on what work you need to complete that day. One spot in the biz you can go to is called the “bookmark”. The bookmark is the place where you can study and talk at the same time, which is really useful when working on a group project. On the contrast, the “Great Reading Room” is a room at the biz where you can go to study in silence, without any distractions. The biz gives off great energy and is a building I will never forget.