All posts by nguy0250

An Nguyen-MON Factory/House by EASTERN Design Office

this house is located at a traditional residential area in Gofo, Kyoto. the house faces a busy street of 4m in width. the backside stand 45m line up the on the east side. The holes are lined up on a cross shape. the light that penetrates into the architecture always moves and never stays. It is a symbolic spectacle. A light that goes through the hole is projected in a circle shape, moves unlimited, and never stays. Occasionally, it disappears, and it appears. the purpose of doing so is the create cal interior space. The one-storied house lifted to the sky makes “two outside spaces placed among three inside spaces”. The wind and the light of nature gather from the sky into two outside void spaces. And that extends to three inside spaces. The street front space is the workshop for the crest making. The middle space is the living room. And the backspace is the bedroom. The gaps between those three spaces are designed as “void”. people hang out at those 2 voids, they walk around circle holes. people move with the movement of dramatic light.

Rose Etherington | 12 October 2009 17 comments. (2011, September 12). MON Factory/House by EASTERN Design Office. Retrieved from

An Nguyen-Slit House by EASTERN Design Office-Blog Post 7

this house is designed by Japanese architects EASTERN Design Office with slits instead of traditional window that no architecture has thought about before. this house is located at an old city in Japan, where many private houses. There are 60 long slashes in the building’s concrete exterior walls, some are straight and some and angled. the width splits screen inner privacy from view from outside but bring 60 light into the house . one of two narrow frontages faces a street and the other faces a river Glass is set straight into grooves in the concrete without window frames. the slits remind us people of old experience in memory with poetic scenery. it looks like if a stream of light through Fusuma in Japanese architecture or a stream if light from skylight of ancient stone architecture. interior wall are made of wood to easily removed and reinstalling if the building needed to be changed in the future. This architecture has a silent ambiance just like in the midst of solitary jar and a poetic clearness as like in an endless partiality. The slits hold the promise of an innovative design method of architecture.At the dawn, watery light comes into the house through the slits. That makes the entire room bright faintly. At 9:30AM,sequence of the feeble light that reflects to header of slits appears. At 10:30AM, the sunlight pierces through angled slits at first. At 11:00AM,the sunlight pierces through all slits. The sunlight through the slit and the reflected light on the header of the slit project the stripe of V type to the long corridor. If you saw the repetition of this edgy light, you might feel as if time of 11:00AM has stopped. In as much as ten minutes, the reflected light on the header disappears. The shape of the light that the slit makes changes from V type into one stripe

Rose Etherington | 10 October 2009 27 comments. (2019, July 1). Slit House by EASTERN Design Office. Retrieved from

An Nguyen- Step Tower by EASTERN design office-Blog Post 6

this apartment block is in Osaka Prefecture by Japanese Eastern Design Office. it is a ten-storey building called Step Tower, located at a shopping and industrial district. this building is larger than a normal building around it. the space of the building get wider from the bottom to the top so people can get larger view on the top. The exterior wall is white with the very smooth and rounded edges giving the curve the the balconies and make you feel like the wave splashes when the ship is on the sea. the architecture compare the balconies to the hull of a ship. Each floor of the building contains four one-room apartments designed for couple and the last four floor contain two three-bedroom designed for families. the first flood consisting of a tenant space at the first floor. the simple and neat looking of the apartment reminds me of a cool lifestyle in some southern country or being on a trip, spending time the middle of the ocean.

Frearson, A. (2014, June 27). Step Tower by EASTERN Design Office. Retrieved from


this picture is the apartment in Shiaga Prefecture, Japan called On The Corner was designed by EASTER DESIGN OFFICE. This located at a busy residential area as well as an industrial area. there are so many popular drinking area where many bar and restaurants for people to hang out and relax. This apartment is very sharp and thin. it looks like it can literally cut you up if you accidentally hit it on the corner. From a distance, it looks like a toy box where kids could enter. it is a triangular building configured by the square element. The wall is made of blue square stones, concrete, glass. There are seven apartment in this clock, each one has one 13m2 bedroom, a prefabricated bathroom, a kitchen system and a open living room. the elevation of this building has the shape of the triangle plot. the edge of the triangular pyramid is like a tip of a boat as it is escaping from town. it seems as this illusion of the apartment deceives people to obscure their eyesight and feel invited to another world.

Frearson, A. (2012, August 15). On The Corner by EASTERN Design Office. Retrieved from

An Nguyen-chemistry building-Blog Post 4


This is the chemistry building of The University of Oklahoma. This was the worst and ugliest building at OU in my opinion. It look really old, not old in the good way like most of the buildings at OU, this building looks like it is never been maintained or repaired ever. Most of things was made out of steel such as stair, the trails, windows. These steel are rusted and show the ugly reddish color that you don’t want to touch. The space inside was designed very confusing people who first walk in. The furnitures inside are old and rusted as well. Every time I sat on the chair it makes the sound like it is about to collapse and those steel would stabbed on my ass. Every time I walk by this building, it remind me of the time that I was taking Physical Chemistry Lab. It was a hard class by I made it through alive. I hope for class that I have to take in the future, they would not be in this building.

An Nguyen- St John Catholic Church-blog post 3

This is the church that i attend Sunday mass for every week. St. John was a one room building with a bell tower with a capacity of around 150 people. It is located in Edmond. There is a large kitchen, common area, child facility, meeting space and offices for clergy and staff. There are 2 floor in the church, the upper floor is for old people that cant walk and the lower floor for younger guests and 1 room that has noise isolation for kids. This church is very welcome, the staff are super friendly. It feels like a family here. The father is very funny who would keep you awake during church.

An Nguyen- OCCC- Blog Post 2

This building is building of engineer department at OCCC. This building has very straight and long hall inside, and there are glass wall on both side of the hall which make the hall very bright and open from the outside. This was the place that I spent the most time when I was in OCCC. I like it because it is very quiet here, people usually enter the school by the main entrance and do not know about this place. There is a big restroom right at the entrance, the parking lot always have space. This is the place that I feel relax and enjoy the most. I studied here, ate here. This place is also safest place in OCCC because there is a police department right next to this building and this is the only way that officer enter the main campus, they usually hang out here too. Every it rains, it remind me of the time that I was still in OCCC, it was soo convenient that you can park my car right in-front of the door and walk right in the building.

An Nguyen- Pho Seven- Blog Post 1

This is the picture of the internal space of the Pho restaurant in Southside OKC that I like the most. This building is located at the corner of a street with very open parking space This building small but have reasonable space inside. The red color of the wall make it feel really warm inside. Every time I think about this place, it reminds me of the time when I first came to the US. it was very cold winter time and this is the place that I would come to eat everyday. The people here are mostly Vietnamese, so this place also make me feel like I am actually in the restaurant in Vietnam