All posts by Munkhbileg0711

Blog 8 Munkhbileg Munkhburen Emre Arolat – YALIKAVAK PALMARINA

Yalıkavak is one of the lagoons on the south western coast of Turkey, which is becoming a popular destination for blue voyages along the Turkish Riviera. Unlike its provincial center Bodrum, which has faced a building boom in 1980s with the increase of touristic activities, Yalikavak is still among relatively calm, silent and untouched bays of the peninsula.

The project for the renewal and extension of the existing marina complex, for the use of upper middle class in Yalikavak, has the burden of welcoming a big investment in this particular area, which consequently would also bring its own facilities. The main motivation of the design aimed both to correspond fully to the needs and desire of the new comers and to create a dialogue with the authentic qualities of the place, that would find its belongingness in the built and social aura of Yalikavak. This tendency may briefly be described as “being Mediterranean.”

Blog 7 Munkhbileg Munkhburen Emre Arolat – Minicity Theme Park

In Antalya and its surroundings, postmodernism, which has become unvariegated in most areas of social and cultural life, has been rendered visible in its most superficial aspect. The design of Minicity Park, in which will be distributed 1:25 scale models of buildings from different regions of Turkey, confronted us as an actual product which conforms to all the scenarios for attractiveness regarding will, which is gradually eroding the grandeurs of the different areas of high culture and in its place is increasingly pumping in the consumption of signs and images.

This building is have amazing components indoor and outdoor. Outdoor is designed very modern. A fragmented, angular plan is faced on the south side by a long, high wall, which fulfills the client’s desire to separate the commercial and recreational functions of the building from those of the theme park. The architect describes the building as a “series of shells that constitute their own specificity.” Broken or “torn” at several points, the rear of the building allows for terraces on the side, where the scale models are located. On the western side, the building is “detached from the ground, somewhere between dividing and not dividing the interior and exterior”.

This project was one of the works short-listed among the finalists and featured in the traveling exhibition in 2005 for the EUROPEAN UNION PRIZE FOR CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE/ MIES VAN DER ROHE AWARD

This building gives me feeling like Emre was already living in future. In 2005 he designed very modern theme park. Maybe future architects are influenced by his work. This is my favorite design

Blog 6 Munkhbileg Munkhburen Emre Arolat – Ulus Savoy

This is Ulus Savoy residence in Turkey, Istanbul. It took 8 years to finish this complex residential buildings. The reconstruction of the topography with a structure of shells as the roof of the continuous garage creates the new ground, most often partly concealed by the layer of vegetation. Conventional apartment blocks take shape according to decisions concerning mass, which are determined by the codes, the surfaces of which are characterized as continuation of the landscape by the use of natural materials and colors that disappears the complex on the ground as opposed to its similars in the neighborhood.

This buildings used modern external design. Also it build on uneven spaces. Some building are build n higher ground than others. Emra Arolat fixed the issue and used his extraordinary architect skills to build one of the best looking and sustainable residency area on the world


Blog 5 Munkhbileg Munkhburen Emre Arolat – Sancaklar Mosque

The building was designed as a response to the Sancaklar Family who wanted to build a mosque on a site overlooking the Buyukcekmece Lake, at a neighborhood of many gated communities. One of Emre Arolat’s amazing design in Turkey.

This mosque is completely different from traditional mosques that are around the world. In this courageous project, Emre Arolat treated the spaces traditionally included in the mosque in an entirely new way, demonstrating that it is possible to go beyond conventions and give a place of worship a new form without threatening the beliefs underlying it.

The architects drew their inspiration from caves, designing a simple space that goes beyond formal issues to strive for simplicity, a suggestive, evocative place where the faithful can gather in prayer or have their own personal dialogue with God.

When I first see the building I had no idea it was mosque. But looking for more pictures, I am amazed that this revolutionary designer mosque. This space feels like very calm and perfect for meditating

Blog 4 Munkhbileg Munkhburen Chingis Khan Statue

Tsonjin boldog is the biggest statue of Mongolia which is 40 meter and the largest horse riding statue in the world. The statue, Chingis riding his horse is made of 250 tonnes of steel. It looks like far sighted Chinggis khan holds a golden whip in his right hand. This statue is one of the most famous tourist attractions in my country. I saw the statue last year and I was amazed when I went to the head of the horse through its chest and neck for a panoramic view of the surrounding beautiful landscapes from the observation deck. And the statue is surrounded by 100 Mongolian houses called “GER”.

This statue made me proud that I am mongolian person. We are all Chinggis Khan’s descendant. He had the biggest empire in the world and possessed more than a half of earth. This statue always gives me motivation. This statute always reminds me that how my country is great.

Blog 3 Munkhbileg Munkhburen Sukhbaatar Square

This is main square and central part of Mongolian Capital city. Similar to Times square in NY but slightly different. It is named after one of the Mongolian biggest general Sukhbaatar, whose statue is in the center of square. This is the place every mongolian gather for huge social event. If it is new year they come here and celebrate it. If they want to protest against government they will come here, because building front of is the government building.

It has very big statue of Chingis Khan. This building makes this Sukhbaatar square more beautiful, therefore this is the one of the biggest tourist attractions.

My home is right next to this square. I can go there whenever i want. But i usually avoid protest and dangerous events. But i like to celebrate holiday with lots of other people there. Also when i graduated my high school, me and my classmates went there for official graduation picture. I have many memories with this square. When i feel down, i just like to walk around in Sukhbaatar Square.

Blog 2 Munkhbileg Munkhburen Blue Sky

This is the tallest building in Mongolia and the most beautiful building. This building changed view of capital city. Before this building, Mongolian tallest building was only 8 floor. This building is 25 floor. This building was revolutionary design in Mongolian history. We had only rectangle shaped buildings since 1970. But this building proved that Mongolian architects are capable of doing more than we thought.

I really liked this building because it changed tourist thought about Mongolia. It made Ulaanbaatar 10times beautiful. Also it is the first luxury hotel in Mongolia, which made rich tourist can have nice travel experience in Ulaanbaatar. Also you can see this building from very far.

I really love going there. This building have few shopping malls but lots of good restaurants. Whenever I enter this building, I feel like i am in New York. This building makes me forget all the poverty and corruption of government. I can enjoy my time with good food and luxury interior design

Blog 1 Munkhbileg Munkhburen Ger

This is the mongolian traditional yurt which is called ‘GER’.  Before 2000, every mongolian people used to live in ger. Also i spend my first few years of life in it.  Mongolians are nomadic people. We move to different locations depends on the seasons. During winter it reaches -40 degrees therefore one need to move to farmer place such as base of mountain. Living in ger taught me how to survive in nature.

This is how inside looks like. We have stove in middle of it for cooking and heating purpose.  Every furniture inside is made by hand only using natural materials. Also all furniture and whole ger is same as LEGO. When you moving into different location, you disassemble all components which will makes it easier for transfering.

This mongolian national ger shaped my life from the birth. It made me nature person and prepared me for lot of life challenges. Also i admire how people from few thousand years ago managed to build this LEGO like structure