All posts by mudh9310

Blog 8

I think is super cool because it has the similar vibe to the other ones that he has created. I love the bamboo and how there are chairs for people to sit and relax on that water. It is similar to Riverwalk and the OKC canal. The aesthetic of this piece is so pretty and part of the reason of why I like it so much. I love the green accents with contrast of the brown trees.

Blog 7

This is my next favorite after the white building with greenery. I love the greenery coming out of it. It is a pavilion in Vietnam that allow people to walk around and mingle within. It is similar to the little pavilion we have in Norman called legacy park I believe. I love that the inside has lights for when it gets dark out. I am a big patio girl so I love walking around the city at night or sitting on a patio for drinks with friends.

Blog 6

Apparently he known for bringing greenery when building them. He brought some to Vietnam and they are signature pieces in the city of HO CHI MINH. Three towers are covered in bamboo. I love this one, because I love the contrast of white with the green. I have always loved those combinations because I feel like it is just looks so good together. The aesthetic of the building is phenomenal.

Blog 5

I am writing these next 4 blogs over Vo Trong Nghia. He is a leading architectural practice in Vietnam in several different cities. He studied architecture at the University of Tokyo before going back to Vietnam to establish himself and known as VTN Architect in 2006. He has received tons of words and recognition all across the world for his tremendous work.

This is one of his pieces from an Island community center in HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM. This is a place for people to gather while on that island. There are picnic tables under and super easy and accessible for people to hang out with each other if they want to get away. I like how personal and small but open it is. I have always been obsessed with these little hut nooks. I think they are so cool and beachy looking, I love when they are in the middle of an island.


Whitebead school is where I attended elementary and middle school. Whitebead is a small K-8th country school in Pauls Valley, OK. This place is where I found myself. I was the minority at this school. I come from a very diverse home. My Dad is from India and my Mom is from Mexico. I was bullied for the way I looked, dressed, and talked. If I ever spoke Spanish to any of the other hispanic students or ELC teachers my peers would always tell me to go back to Mexico if I wanted to speak Spanish because this is America and apparently we only speak English here. I used to get made fun of for having a unibrow and being brown. I wish I was making this up but I had to learn at a very young age to find who I was and stick up for myself. I realized that this was a great place for me and where I grew so much personally. This building shaped me into the person I am today and I couldn’t imagine growing up any differently.


Kappa Alpha Theta is the sorority house that I pledged as a freshman in 2016. It was my first impression and the start to what my college experience would be at OU.  This building and home means so much to me because it is my home away from home but also was my go-to place as a scared and overwhelmed freshman. This place has allowed me to be exactly who I am through all the highs and the lows. I will be vulnerable and share a part of why this house means so much more to me than just a pretty white house on Chautauqua Ave. My freshman year, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Imagine being on a huge campus, trying to figure your life out, taking a full schedule and working 25 hours a week, and knowing that your dad has cancer and you aren’t able to be with him because I had to be here. That is when this place became so much more than a beautiful building, it became a place where all the girls in that house made me feel so loved and cared for during the most difficult time in my life. I am most thankful for that building and how it has made my college experience so sweet and special.


Walker Tower has to be one of my most favorite parts about college this far. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat. Although they are musty and gross, I would do it all over again. I lived in a super suite with 3 other girls and it was by far the best decision I have ever made. We never closed our door, our room was where everyone in the hall came to hang out and get ready. I met some of the most incredible people and made the best memories. I do think it wouldn’t hurt to upgrade them but the memories I made in those musty dorms are priceless. I still keep in touch with all the girls I lived with freshman year and I am so confident that they will be my forever friends. It’s because of this building that I have met incredible people, lasting friendships, got to have people supporting and encouraging me throughout freshman year. I think I can speak for all of us when saying that freshman year is so incredibly hard and challenging and you need those kind of people in your corner. Thanks walker 409E!


Evans hall is a building that has provided for me over the past 4 years. I will never forget when my mentor reached out to me and asked if I wanted a job one week into my freshman year; my parents weren’t making me get a job but it just worked out that I said yes because I was able to help my parents out since my dad happened to get diagnosed with cancer. This building has helped me grow personally and professionally. I am confident in my abilities to deal with people, tough situations whether it is students or faculty/staff, and allowed me to grow in so many ways. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work in the Office of Legal Counsel because it has allowed me to provide for myself when my parents weren’t that able to. I was allowed to make trips with friends and shop for things I need and want without hesitation. Forever blessed by this building and the meaning behind it for me.