All posts by Mario Marquez

Blog Four-Evans Hall

I first came to OU my freshman year of high school. Evans hall was my first glimpse, into what OU had to offer. I was so impressed at the architecture of the buildings on campus, and Evans Hall remains as one of my favorites. It initially reminded me of a castle, and it left a profound impact on my mind. I remember walking by, and just being so breath-taking at the massive building. I walked by the tree stump, read the inscriptions, and just knew that this would be the place I called home.  I began my OU journey solely on the impression that Evans Hall gave me. Evans hall on its own has a rich history. Stories of it burning down three times, students attempting to rescue their records and transcripts, and the historic rebuilding are all very interesting stories that showcase the history behind these buildings. Most recently, Evans Hall housed a sit-in protest over the alarming actions of OU Professors. The sit-in was a profound statement that black students and their allies demand better. Many of these students were my close friends, and I was inspire by their tenacity to stand against racism, injustice, and lingering oppression. This sit-in made national news, and I was so inspire to see it accomplish many of its goals.

Blog Three-Gaylord Family/Oklahoma Memorial Stadium

The stadium represents so many things for me. As a member of OU’s Spirit organization, I have spent countless hours at this stadium, and in preparation for the various game-day events and traditions here. This picture was taken during our nationals practice in 2019, and remains as one of my favorite. The stadium holds so many memories, emotions, and feelings that are very close to me. I found a family through this organization, and my time on the sidelines at the football games offered me a home. This stadium gave me so many highs, and lots of challenging lows, but in the end, the journey itself through this stadium, has been incredible. I have flipped in this stadium, studied in the Gautt study center, taken naps in the halls from exhaustion of the games, ran the entire field, thrown t shirts, launched t shirt cannons,  grown with my teammates, screamed at the top of my lungs, lost my voice, danced to two different concerts, and so many more memories. This place is spiritual for me, and I’ll always save a special place in my heart for this stadium. Boomer Sooner.

Blog Two-Sarkey’s FITNESS Center (Formerly, Houston Huffman Fitness Center)

This building is found directly facing the towers/dormitories. The fitness center was a therapeutic place for me my freshman year. The close proximity allowed for easy access, at various times of day. I would frequent this building as a way to escape from the struggles and stress of freshman year. This building is split level and features various different things to do inside. There are many different classes, equipment variations,  and health monitors. My physical health was improved thanks to this building, but so was my mental health. As a positive way to release my energy and frustrations, this building allowed for me to develop myself throughout the year, and make it through my freshman year of college.

Blog One-Sarkey’s Rooftop Garden

Sarkey’s Energy center is OU’s tallest building on campus. The building itself houses many different attractions. Inside is a coffee shop, various classrooms, a seismic activity recorder (and simulator), library, and even a small museum. However, what really drew me in, were the rooftop gardens. I first noticed these my sophomore year. I worked at Fuzzy’s taco shop, and jogged to and from work everyday.  I lived right by Sarkey’s and always passed through the gardens on my route. The gardens give off a serene feeling, which calmed me going to and from work, and reminded me that there is beauty to be found in everything, and within every moment in the day. These gardens represent a combination of urban design, and naturalistic features.

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