All posts by Christian Lujan

Blog 7 – Christian Lujan – Jurgen Mayer

This building stood out to me because of how futuristic it looks. Not only does the outside look futuristic, but so does the interior. The interior is a clean white theme with circular door ways in some areas making it seem as if you’re in the year 2099. This building caught my eye because of the fish bowl looking windows on the outside. As odd as it may look, i personally like it and wouldn’t mind seeing buildings like this more often around the United States. Sadly, Jurgen does most of his work in Germany.

Blog 6 – Christian Lujan – Jurgen Mayer

Yet again another interesting design by Jurgen Mayer. He created this tram stop using (once again) concrete slabs. As simple as it is, you have to admire the beauty of it. It is so simplistic yet speaks in a way words never could. Imagine how heavy the top concrete slab is and how perfectly balanced it looks being held up by the two support slabs. As Thanos would say, “Perfectly Balanced.”

Blog 5 – Christian Lujan – Jurgen Mayer

While looking at Jurgen Mayer as an architecture, I came across this interesting creation of his. It a house that was carved into concrete. If you were to simply imagine this without seeing a picture, you might be iffy about whether or not it would turn out nice. I found this picture (attached above) which shows this house. You can find more of the interior online but it has a very classy and simplistic feel to it. I wouldn’t mind living here in all honesty but it truly was an interesting find for me. It reminds me of a futuristic home although it’s mostly concrete.

Christian Lujan – Blog 4 – Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, being as cliche as it is, was also a really nice place to visit. While in France, I stayed in a place that was no more than a mile away from the Eiffel Tower. As you could probably assume, I spent a great amount of time around that general area and got several chances to see the Eiffel Tower, both day and night. One of the nights, we planned to have a picnic during its nightly light show and that was definitely an experience worth trying. We sat in the field shown above and ate as the light show played. Standing directly under the Eiffel Tower is also really interesting because it gives you the realization of how big it truly is. I shouldn’t have to say this but if you’re ever in France, definitely check it out.

Bonus: They also have a really good crepe stand close by to the Eiffel Tower where you can get nutella crepes for cheap.

Christian Lujan – Blog 3 – Forbidden City, China

While traveling through China, I got the chance to stop by and see the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. At the time, I had no knowledge of the Forbidden City at all. The Forbidden City was home to several different dynasties, ranging from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. Most of the palace has yellow glazed tile roofs due to yellow being the emperors desired color (similar to how purple signifies royalty). Throughout the palace, you can see different architectural decorations on the buildings, some being dragons and other being Phoenix’s. Each decoration had it’s own meaning, usually rank or status. Overall, the Forbidden City was an amazing place and architecturally speaking, was very beautiful.

Christian Lujan – Blog 2 – Shuri Castle, Okinawa

One of the coolest places I’ve ever been to was Shuri Castle in Okinawa, Japan. Shuri Castle was originally the palace to the Ryukyu Kingdom from the 1400’s to the late 1800’s. The castle also has history of being destroyed, one of the occasions being during the Battle of Okinawa in World War 2. It was by far one of the most culturally beautiful places I’ve seen. Standing in front of the main part of the castle in the open field was an experience that can’t be explained. The colors and images on the castle itself were a sight to see. The history behind the castle was crazy to think about while being there. People lost their lives there during the War, which made it almost seem to be a memorial due to all the people visiting and showing their respect. Sad to say, the castle burned down late 2019 leaving many people devastated. I’m glad to have gotten the chance to visit it.

Christian Lujan – Blog 1 – Seattle Space Needle


The Seattle Space Needle is not only a tourist attraction, it’s also a symbol to the people of Seattle. When I was younger, I lived in the great state of Washington and was able to visit the Space Needle several times during the 3 years that I lived there. In January 2020, after over 10 years, I was able to fly back up to Seattle and of course revisit the Space Needle. Needless to say, it’s got an amazing view at the top as well as several popular attractions around it. To me, it holds a special place in my heart due to the nostalgia of practically growing up around it. When I finally was able to revisit it this past Christmas break, I was overall happy to be back after so long. One fact about the Space Needle in Seattle is that it was originally meant to be temporary when first built but ultimately was chosen to remain where it still stands today.