All posts by loganboutin

Logan Boutin – Blog 8 – National Museum of Qatar

The final piece of my selection from architect Jean Nouvel is the Nation Museum of Qatar. This museum is by far the coolest looking work by Nouvel in my opinion. The way the clean lines of the circles meet each other to make such cool shapes with windows and doors exemplify how cool Nouvel can get with his art. Once again, this building is in Qatar so I’m not surprised by the amount of luxury and beauty associated with a national museum but this one is really the cherry on top. The museum hosted over 450 thousand people within a year of opening (2019) and it is a very, very cool work of art.

Logan Boutin – Blog 7 – Torre Glòries

This building by Jean Nouvel is in Barcelona, Spain and as you can see, at night it is beautiful.  The lights that illuminate the building provides cool scenery for the city and in quite a cool shape. The building has a profile similar to that of a bullet from a gun. The reason I like this building so much is because it is a corporate building! Most cool looking buildings are museums but it is not often that a company whose focus is typically making money to have an art piece for a corporate headquarters.

Logan Boutin – Blog 6 – Tours Duo

The Tours Duo in Paris, France is a novel of a building. This work of art was opened just this year and it just received permission to house condominiums which means French residents will be able to house themselves in this amazing building. The reason I chose to feature this building is the cool design and its practicality. Many buildings are cool but don’t have a great use. This building is quite the opposite. Housing civilians is a great way to provide people with shelter and doing so with such a cool design is very neat.

Logan Boutin – Blog 5 – Louvre Abu Dhabi

My first post over Jean Nouvel is his museum in Abu Dhabi. This work of art was built in 2017 and it is absolutely beautiful. It provides a resting place for many multimillion-dollar art exhibits for people from around the world to see and experience. The dome (as you can see from the picture) is illuminated and at night it is quite a stunning sight to see. The 260 thousand square foot building caught my eye because of how extravagant it seemed and how luxurious it is inside. Not that I would expect any different from a museum in Abu Dhabi, however I was shocked with how much time and effort went into the design.

Logan Boutin – Blog 4 – Philbrook Museum

The Philbrook Museum in Tulsa is a very cool place. It showcases a handful of art all in the beautiful setting of a former Oklahoman’s very large home.  I love how detailed the facade of the building is, but also how charming the inside is. The yard (park, garden, etc.) that surrounds the building is marvelous as well. It is cool to see such a pretty museum in such a residential setting and I’m glad it exists in such a cool city like Tulsa.

Logan Boutin – Blog 3 – Blue Dome

The Blue Dome District (represented by the Blue Dome Building) is a region of downtown Tulsa where a lot of restaurants and social spaces exist. This part of Tulsa is very near and dear to many people’s hearts and it means a lot of things to many people. I love it for its livelihood and how much is always going on. This building is a landmark of that, as well as all the historical characteristics of the entire city and it incorporates what Tulsa is proud to be.

Logan Boutin – Blog 2 – Alamo

When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band, he said, “Son, when you grow up would you be the savior of the broken the beaten, and the damned?” He was referencing the alamo and all the sacrifice that those who were fighting went through. He wanted me to live my life with honor and not necessarily save people in a literal sense, but do good for the world and make the most of my life. We were there because my brother had a marching competition in front of the Alamo and ever since that day, this building has meant a lot to me. The architecture is amazing because of how detailed it is. It didn’t need to be that way but they took the extra time to make it special and that was a part of why it is such an iconic building to this day.

Blog 1 – Logan Boutin – Minute Maid Park

Minute Maid Park has always meant a lot to me. My first encounter with is was when I was around 5, and I absolutely loved baseball. I was overwhelmed by how big the venue was and how it was able to fit an entire baseball field inside. I was also amazed by how the roof could be stored away and the field could be exposed to the world. It meant a lot to be there. I was able to watch the sport I loved with the people I loved. The building meant less to me at 5 years old than it does now, but the intangibles of the building and the way it made me feel are things I will never be able to replicate.