All posts by kenzieheggie

Blog, Kenzie Heggie- Renzo Piano, The Shard

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The Shard Skyscraper building designed by Renzo Piano, located in Southwark London. The Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom standing 1,016 feet high. The construction began March 2009 and completed November 2012, but the building wasn’t opened up to the public until February 1st 2013. Renzo got the idea of this building after the following of the twin towers in New York in 2001. He built the tower to show strength, as the building can tolerate 400 millimeters of sway. Image result for The Shard

The most interesting think that I learned about the Shard is that 95% of the construction materials were recycled and 20% of the steelwork is from recycled sources as well. The building has 72 habitable floors and then there are still another 15 floors that are in the works. Each floor has its won purpose and its own meaning for why it exist and I think that is so most beautiful thing about the building.

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An interesting thing to know about  the Shard is it in meant to represent a glass shard stabbing out from the ground. The building full-fills this standard as well with how tall it stand and that it is made up of 11,000 glass panels.

Blog, Kenzie Heggie- FRANK LOYD WRIGHT, Fallingwater house

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Fallingwater house, designed by Frank Loyd Wright in 1935 about 43 miles out of Pittsburg Pennsylvania. The Fallingwater house was designed for the Kaufmann family as a weekend get away home. The Fallingwater house was used as a home for the Kaufmann family and passed down through a generation until 1963 when the house and the surrounding 469 acres of forest were donated to the western Pennsylvania conservancy. I have actually known about this building for many years and been obsessed with it and wanting to visit i . I actually had no idea of the background or the designer until today. Fallingwater house

The Fallingwater house is now a museum for the public and since it’s 80 years of being open five million people have now visited and tour the Fallingwater house. Falling water has two part the main house which consist of 5,330 square feet and the guest house which consist of 1,700 square feet. The Fallingwater house was designed to create a unified and organic composition, which limited the colors that could be used fro the house, so the house is actually only made up of two colors which were a light ochre for the concrete and a Cherokee red for the steel.

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I admire the beauty of this house, the plain yet creative and humble vibe it gives off. I think the Fallingwater house is a great way to explain and show Frank Loyd Wrights unique and outside the box mind. The Fallingwater house is easily the most beautifully designed house I have ever seen.

Blog Kenzie Heggie Vancouver Convention Center

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The Convention Center in Vancouver Canada, is one of the most beautiful convention centers I have ever been to in my life. It sits right up against the water and is right in the Heart of Canada. The convention center holds over 500 events a year, it is 466,500 square feet, and also includes a six acre living roof. The living roof is one of my favorites part about the convention center that not everyone knows, there are very few events there that even acknowledge the living roof at all.

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The living roof is the largest in Canada consisting of more than 4,000 different plants and grasses, it is a home for 240,000 bees as well as Canadian geese who return every year to raise their young. Every 2 weeks the grass gets mowed and there is more than 11,000 pounds of grass collected. This was something I learned after my last cheer competition there and I have taken a lot fo interest in it and keeping updated with how it is doing.Image result for facts about the convention center in vancouver canada

The Convention Center is only 2 hours from my house and I have been there many times for cheer competitions. My family, friends and I travel there together and get to compete in the most beautiful place. There is an open roof where the warm up room is and there are birds flying all around you and it just makes you appreciate the scenery. It is one of the prettiest places to be in January when the sun is shining and beating off the water reflecting onto the building and at night when the convention center is all lit up and shining bright onto the water and it almost make you see two fo the buildings.

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The convention center was where I had my last ever cheerleading competition close to home and it was the only place i could ever imagine finishing my career at. It reminds me so much of my journey and my life and how far i had come from the first time i competed there to the last time i competed there. The convention center is a constant reminder of how far i have come as a cheerleader and as a person and I am so thankful for a place that is able to show me who i really have become.

Blog, Kenzie Heggie HP Field house ESPN

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The ESPN World Wide Sports Complex in Orlando Florida was built in 1997, in 2011 they then added the HP Field House. The HP field house is one of the most technological advanced buildings in the world for sports teams. It is known to be the best place for high caliber competitions. It seats 5,500 people and the main floor is 30,000 square feet.  The complex itself host all types of sports events, however the HP Field house is mostly known for hosting cheerleading events.Image result for hp fieldhouse world wide sports

The HP Field house is a place I admire it carries so much magic in it. The field house reminds me of strength, power, talent, and dreams. I have felt fear, happiness, let downs, excitements and sadness. It’s a place that can make or break your dreams and goals. The HP Field house, allows the most talented cheerleaders in the world to show what they are made of, what they can really do and what they have been working all year for. Image result for hp fieldhouse world wide sports

I have been to this building 17 times now for cheerleading events since 2012. This is where the best of the best cheerleading teams go to compete. When I have gone there for the cheerleading worlds, I made it to finals many times, and then haven’t a couple times. In 2012 I got a taste of what a champion is and it made me hungry to win. This building has given me a goal to become a world or national champion one day and I wont stop until I do. Image result for hp fieldhouse world wide sports

This building makes dreams come true. Everyone always talks about Disneyworld and how its the happiest place on the planet, and for me the HP Field House is my Disneyland, it is my happy place. No matter how I leave the building feeling I know I did something great in there. I know that everything I worked for paid off no matte the outcome. The HP feildhouse holds more memories for me than any place on the planet.

Blog, Kenzie Heggie Seattle International Airport

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The Sea-Tac Airport in Seattle Washington was built in 1944, it was built with $1.1 million dollars that was donated by  Civil Aeronautics Administration and The City of Tacoma. Sea Tac might not be a very big airport compared to airports like Denver, but it is the biggest airport in Seattle which allows close to 52 million people to travel. Sea Tac is also ranked 13th for the busiest cargo airport in the country. Sea Tac is trying is become the best airport for the environment, beginning with having the smallest carbon footprint to all others airports.

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I started traveling when I was 3 years old, and ever since than I have went on at least one trip every year. Every time I am in the Sea Tac airport it makes me feel good about myself, it reminds me how lucky I am to get to travel this much. It also reminds me how much  I have already seen and how much more I continue to see.  Sea Tac makes me feel important it make me feel like I am doing something with this life I was given and that I am taking advantage of it. Image result for seattle international airport

I have traveled to many places, seen many things and sometimes I look past the role the Sea Tac airport plays in it. Every time I get onto a plane I always tell myself I am going to feel different when I get back to this airport. The Sea Tac airport carries many of my milestones. I have flown out of it saying i might come back a national champion, I might come back a Texas Tech cheerleader, I might come back happier, I might come back and have made one of the biggest decisions of my life and so on. Every time I get back to the airport something big has happened to me, good and bad. Image result for seattle international airport

When I go to Sea Tac to leave I have expectations of how and who  I am going come back as. I remember coming back sometimes wishing I wasn’t the way I was, or wishing I could go back, or sometimes wishing I wouldn’t have left at all. The Sea Tac airport is more than just a  place that gets me from point A to point B, its a constant remind of what I just did and of what really just happened in my life.

Blog Kenzie Heggie McCasland The University of Oklahoma

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McCasland at The University of Oklahoma, in Norman Oklahoma was built January 13, 1982, its first opening was with a basketball game between The Oklahoma Sooners and The Kansas Jayhawks, which resulted in a Sooner win. McCasland is now a place for athletes such as, volleyball, gymnast and cheerleaders. This is where the volleyball team and the gymnast perform and compete, but this is where cheerleaders practice.Image result for when was mccasland university of oklahoma built

Although, McCasland has been open for many years. I didn’t know of it until I became interested in the University of Oklahoma which was a year and a half ago. I have now spent more time in McCasland than I have in my own house in Washington over this last year. The meaning of McCasland to me is much deeper than just a building apart of my school campus. McCasland carries the root of my journey at OU. I am a current cheerleader for the university of Oklahoma and McCasland, is where I met everyone on the cheer team, it is where this whole journey began for me. I would say McCasland is the first chapter to my college story. Image result for when was mccasland university of oklahoma built

McCasland is where my team and I have put in blood, sweat and tears, to get the opportunity to cheer for the Sooners football, basketball, volleyball and gymnastics teams. However, the biggest experience McCasland carries is the opportunity I had of being apart of the OU national cheerleading team.Image result for when was mccasland university of oklahoma built

During Christmas break myself and 19 other people out of the 42 of us on the team got chosen by our coach Miranda to represent OU and the UCA national cheerleading competition In January. While  everyone else on the team and everyone else on campus went home, we spent at least four hours everyday in McCasland for 35 days straight. Anytime I look at McCasland or walk in there a different memory pops up in my head, bad or good they still make me appreciate how much memory McCasland holds. McCasland is where my story has been written, it is where all the begin the scenes moments happened.