All posts by kealierockvam

Kealie Rockvam, Denver Health Center (Selser Schaefer)

The Selser Schaefer architecture group has an emphasis on creating spaces designed for wellness. The neighborhood that the Denver Health Center is located in was built in the 1920s and the materials used to create this building try to match and mimic the style. The slopes of the roof and the style of the windows are very similar to the surrounding apartment complexes and homes. The use of floor to ceiling windows make patients more comfortable in waiting areas and help to ease the usual anxiety of visiting the doctors office. The design of the Denver Health Center in Tulsa adds value to the community around it.

Kealie Rockvam, Tulsa Ballet (Selser Schaefer)

The Selser Schaefer Architecture firm designed the Tulsa Ballet Studios with the vision of being able to teach arts to the youth for years to come. The building includes four studios and a performance center modeled similarly to a blackbox theatre. The outside has a neat industrial modern vibe that attracts the eye. The inside has glass walls that have white paint over them. The usage of large windows in high ceilings allows for natural light to pour into the studios.

Kealie Rockvam, TreeHouse (Selser Schaefer)

The Selser Schaefer Architecture firm has designed the TreeHouse home upgrade company store. The store has an unique design that differs from any usual home improvement store and gives it a feel that this is the premiere destination for home upgrades. The addition of seating like benches and tables along with skylights make the store feel more like an open workspace for collaborating on ideas. The store was designed to be sustainable and uses fans to reduce the need for HVAC. This project sets Selser Schaefer apart in the ways they will make commercial use buildings sustainable.

Kealie Rockvam, Pi Beta Phi Sorority House

The OU Pi Phi house has had such a positive impact on my life in college. Whenever I would be around it, I felt like I was at home and safe. The beautiful columns and window placement with the large shutters give it an older feel. I have fond memories of living on the third floor with the beautiful balcony overlooking the lawn. The architecture of this house is very welcoming and meant to feel homey to those that enter.

Kealie Rockvam, Bizzell Memorial Library

The Bizzell Memorial Library is a really important building to me. Whenever  I was on my college search I really wanted to go to a school with a beautiful campus and the Biz was definitely one of the buildings that sold me on OU. I love the addition of the gothic influence on the building and all of the columns. The inside of the Biz is also beautiful and I spend a lot of time in the Great Reading Room because it is a very calming environment.

Kealie Rockvam, Reunion Tower

Reunion Tower in Dallas has always been one of my favorite buildings. As a kid whenever I would come back from a road trip it would be a sign that I was finally back home. The ball up in the sky had always been a wonder to me as it was lit up every night. I used to always love when a big event would happen in Dallas and they would change the lights to something special for it, like when they light it up half crimson and half orange for OU/TX. I think it’s so cool that the restaurant in the ball spins so you can get a 360 view of Dallas.

Kealie Rockvam, Westminister Abbey

Westminister Abbey is one of my most memorable experiences of architecture. The grand entrance with columns and spirals amazes me. It is so artistic and the time and creativity spent on this building is easy to see. The way the inside is used and has many different sections for laying to rest important people in history is so neat and has many ornate decorations. The stained glass inside the Abbey is beautiful and tells so many different stories. Westminister Abbey peaked my interest into architecture.