All posts by JMGeno

Blog 8- Charles Rennie Mackintosh- Willow Tearooms (by jack genovesi)

The Willow Tearooms in Glasgow Scotland were designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and first opened up in 1903. They are a huge tourist destination in Glasgow and are one of Mackintosh’s most popular works. The original tearooms have been through its fair share of rough patches, being forclosed at times and even turning into a department store. Some of the tea rooms are open once again after a remodel to try to look like the original early 1900s classic British look. They were used for entertainment, having floors of billiards and bars for men as well as the classic tea rooms. <original tearoom

Blog 7- Charles Rennie Mackintosh- Queen Cross Church (by jack genovesi)

Queen Cross Church is also known as “Mackintosh Church” because of its designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh. It was completed in September of 1899 and was open immediately as a Protestant Church. Instead of a tall cathedral type of design, Mackintosh went with a design more like a Norman Castle, or modern gothic. The church decommissioned in the 1970s and is now used as a tourist attraction called the Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society.

Blog 6- Charles Rennie Mackintosh- The lighthouse (By Jack Genovesi)

The lighthouse in Glasgow Scotland was designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and completed in 1895. It is owned by Glasgow City council and is used as Scotlands center of design and Architecture since 1999. It currently employs around 100 people and is a historical piece of architecture to learn from today. It has a very iconic and mesmerizing staircase that is timeless.


Blog 5- Charles Rennie Mackintosh- Glasgow School of Art (by Jack Genovesi)

Glasgow School of art was founded in 1845. In 1897 work began on a new building to be home of Glasgow school of art and was designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. the building would be split up and not fully completed until 1909. As of late, The historic building would have issues with fires, one happening in 2014, but almost everything was saved but the most recent fire in 2018 would cause major damage to the building, causing the $25 million restoration contract to be terminated.

after 2014 fire:

Blog 4 John Genovesi- Progressive field

Progressive Field is the home field for the Cleveland Indians, located in downtown Cleveland. I used to live in Cleveland and grew up going to multiple games every year in this stadium. The stadium gives me a feeling of excitement and good memories of watching my favorite team. It is a fairly large and new stadium, being constructed in the late 1990s. It has multiple restaurants and suites built into the interior of the stadium. Behind center field, there is a small lawn that has trees and is where they set off fireworks after big plays or post-game. 

Blog 3 John Genovesi- Texas State Capitol Building

The Texas State Capitol building is the largest capitol building of any state in the United States. This changed briefly when Louisiana made a building just a couple of feet taller.  Texas’s response to this was to add a statue on top of the building to take the crown back. Besides the battle for the biggest, this building is truly enormous, having an underground office space to maximize space in the most efficient way possible. When you are around this building you feel like you are at the capitol of the world. The lawn is enormous and open to the public almost as a park, filled with enormous trees and beautiful nature.

Blog 2 John Genovesi- Frost Bank building

The frost bank building is a skyscraper office in the heart of Austin Texas. It is a very unique building, resembling an Owl. The rumor is that the architect that designed the building was a Rice University Grad and purposely made it look like an owl to mess with the rival UT School of Architecture. I have never been inside the building but it is a building that when you are near it you can’t miss it. I also love the pettiness the Rice architect put into the design.

Blog 1 John Genovesi- Jeffrey Mansion

The Jeffrey Mansion in Columbus Ohio is a beautiful building, that was donated to the city after the original owner Killed himself in the clocktower of the building, leaving behind a note that stated he will sell the building to the city for $1. I encountered it when I used to live in Ohio for my sister’s sorority event. My thoughts on the building were that it was really designed well and I loved the design. Though it does give an eerie feeling that it could be haunted by Mr. Jeffrey himself.